Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum Board of Directors convened

11.06.2020 / 

Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum Board of Directors convened under TOBB Board Member and Turkish Side Co-Chairman M. Cihat Lokmanoğlu and TRNC Side Co-Chair Alp Cengiz Alp.​

The meeting, which took place online, was attended by Deputy Vice President of Cyprus Affairs Coordinator H. Halil Afşarata, providing information about the state of Turkey-TRNC economic and bilateral trade relations and the latest situation in the TRNC Water Supply Project.

In addition, presentations were made by both the Turkish side and TRNC regarding the process of transitioning to the new normal Covid-19. After the inter-members negotiations, the agenda issues of the next meeting were determined.

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