TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that terror has drenched the holidays in blood, "Those who committed this atrocity are enemies of humanity. The blood that has been spilled shall not go unaccounted for.​


Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

"Those who shed blood during the holiday and make mothers weep will account for this blood"

21.08.2012 / Ankara


TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that terror has drenched the holidays in blood, "Those who committed this atrocity are enemies of humanity. The blood that has been spilled shall not go unaccounted for.​


No heinous plans can turn the innocent people of this country against each other. Everyone is well aware of the games being played. There will surely be a reckoning for those who have thrust the loss of children upon mother on this holy day, those who leave innocent children without their fathers."

In his message regarding the terror attack which was perpetrated in Gaziantep, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, "We have learned to our great sorrow that following the news that two of our soldiers being martyred and one wounded as a result of a mine attack in Hakkari, a vehicle loaded with explosive detonated and caused the death of 9 and wounded 69 people in Gaziantep. Words like condemnation and denunciation have lost their meaning.

Let there be no doubt that these heinous terror attacks being perpetrated in order to turn people who have lived in these lands in peace against each other will not succeed. Those who take up arms and aim for the hearts of innocents will face a harsh reckoning before the eyes of history, everyone will one day account for their deeds.

The people of this land are one and united. Our martyrs who have sacrificed their lives are immortal. The blood that has been spilled is the death of the humanity and conscience of those who have resorted to violence. On behalf of the Turkish business world, I pray for the grace of Allah upon our martyrs; for patience to their families and loved ones. I present my condolences to our blessed nation and pray for the speedy recovery of the wounded."

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