Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkey-EU JCC members support Azerbaijan

30.09.2020 / Ankara

Turkey-EU JCC members Hak-İş, Memur-Sen, TESK, Türk-İş, TİSK, Turkey Kamu-Sen, TOBB and TZOB issued a joint statement condemning Armenia's attacks on Azerbaijan and sent a message of support to Azerbaijan.​

Forming the Turkish wing of the Turkey-European Union (EU) Joint Consultative Committee; Confederation of Rights Workers' Unions (HAK-İş), Confederation of Civil Servants' Unions (MEMUR-SEN), Confederation of Tradesmen and Artisans of Turkey (TESK), Confederation of Turkish Workers' Unions (TÜRK-İŞ), Confederation of Turkish Employers' Unions (TİSK), Confederation of Turkish Public Employees' Unions (Turkey KAMU-SEN), Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB) condemned Armenia's attacks on Azerbaijan in a joint statement and expressed support for Azerbaijan.


The joint statement from 8 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) reads:


“Armenia, which has long been an invader of Azerbaijani territory in Upper Karabakh and surrounding settlements, carried out a new offensive against Azerbaijani-dominated territory on September 27th, 2020. Moreover, this attack targeted civilians as well as military elements.

With these despicable attacks, Armenia has once again proven that it is an obstacle to lasting peace and stability.


We strongly condemn Armenia's attacks targeting civilian settlements and civilians on Azerbaijani territory in violation of international law and ceasefire in Upper Karabakh.


Azerbaijan is right to take the necessary defense measures in order to protect its people and maintain its territorial integrity within the framework of the right to self-defense arising from international law.


Upper Karabakh has been occupied by Armenia for close to 30 years.


We invite the international community to stand with Azerbaijan, which has suffered damages by the occupation and attacks of Armenia, and to support peaceful resolution in accordance with United Nations Security Council and OSCE resolutions to end this unjust occupation.


We also welcome the message of support for Azerbaijan from the Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking Countries on this issue.


We are more than friendly and allied countries, and we are brothers.


We would like to thank the four political party groups in the Turkish Parliament for their joint statement of support for Azerbaijan.


The fates of Turkey and Azerbaijan are intertwined.


We stand with Azerbaijan to the end on the basis of our ‘two states one nation’ relationship.

On this occasion, we pray for the grace of Allah on our fallen Azerbaijani brothers and for full and speedy recovery to the wounded veterans; we extend our most heart-felt condolences to Azerbaijan.


Confederation of Rights Workers' Unions (HAK-İŞ)

Confederation of Civil Servants' Unions (MEMUR-SEN)

Confederation of Tradesmen and Artisans of Turkey (TESK)

Confederation of Turkish Workers' Unions (TURK-İŞ)

Confederation of Turkish Employers' Unions (TİSK)

Confederation of Public Employees Unions of Turkey (Turkey KAMU-SEN)

Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB)

Union of Agricultural Chambers of Turkey (TZOB)”

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