Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Hisarcıklıoğlu at Çanakkale Commodity Exchange

01.10.2021 / Çanakkale

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu visited the Çanakkale Commodity Exchange and met with Çanakkale Commodity Exchange President S. Kaya Üzen, Abdullah Deniz, Chairman of the Council, and council members.​

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, who attended the Consultation Meeting of Sector Representatives here, stated that a return to normal life is in progress with vaccination, “In this context, I would like to congratulate Çanakkale. The proportion of people vaccinated in double doses is 77.6 percent. Please do not forget to be vaccinated.”

Emphasizing that a new process has begun with the lifting of pandemic restrictions and the economy is starting to revive, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The industry has caught up with pre-pandemic figures, praise Allah. In fact, we can't find people to work. Hopefully, our exports will be 220 billion dollars by the end of the year. The service sectors have not received enough support, so a full recovery has not yet been achieved. Trade and tourism are just recovering. In agriculture and livestock, high increases in input costs such as fuel, fertilizer, feed, etc. are causing trouble.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that the pandemic period has shown how food, agriculture and livestock are strategic sectors, he asked industry representatives to never neglect the food, agriculture and livestock business.

Reminding that as TOBB, they act as bridge between the business world and the government during the pandemic, Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that they will continue to communicate the problems on the ground to the public administration as quickly as necessary.

Stating that Çanakkale Commodity Exchange works with this vision, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “It continues to serve our members. Being accredited, it provides this service with 5 stars. I would like to thank my brother Kaya, his management, his council and all his employees. He notes your troubles and suggestions, prepares solutions and transfers them to us. Again, you, both the administration and the council, are working hard. You keep the pulse of our members and interpret them.”

The TOBB President, explaining that he closely follows the works and projects of Çanakkale Commodity Exchange, said: “You are claiming 8 registered geographical signs of Çanakkale. Bayramic White was one of the 7 products registered in the EU. The geographical markers are branding, to earn more. You're doing the right thing here, congratulations. Hopefully, on October 20th, we will bring together the geo-marked products of all Turkey in the 11th YÖREX in Antalya.

In addition, I congratulate you for your efforts in Ezine Food Specialty OIZ, Cattle Livestock OIZ, Çanakkale/Ayvacık Agriculture Based Specialized Greenhouses OIZ, Çanakkale Teknopark, Facebook Station, Digital Thrace, IPARD Project Writing Support. Look, our commodity exchange isn't just dealing with food, agriculture and livestock: It also deals with entrepreneurship, academia, supports and technological transformation. It also provides services to you as the agency of TÜRİB. Allah bless you for all your work. Mr. Kaya is also the President of UMAT GTI. We are renewing our İpsala Border Crossing in line with our needs.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu said that they were exposed to fire and flood disasters, including in Çanakkale, and that they delivered the sum raised in their relief campaign regarding fire and flooding to AFAD together with Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu.

Emphasizing that in bad days, TOBB and chamber-exchange community always put do their part, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Because we know that if we are a country, we should be there.”

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