Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

TOBB to build 154 new schools in 154 counties

03.02.2022 / ANKARA

154 new schools will be built in 154 counties thanks to the National Education Contribution Protocol signed by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) with the Ministry of National Education. TOBB President Rifat Hisarciklıoğlu said, “We are coming to the end of our 81 school projects in 81 provinces. But we're not stopping here, we're starting a new, bigger endeavor now. We are working towards for 154 new schools in 154 counties.”​

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), which reached the final point in the 81 and 81 school campaigns, has signed a new project in education.

TOBB's education move was announced to the public with a protocol ceremony held in TOBB Twin Towers Conference Hall. Minister of National Education Prof. Dr. Mahmut Özer, TOBB President Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and a total of 365 Chamber – Commodity Exchange Presidents attended the ceremony, where the details of the project were also announced.

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as TOBB, they believe that education is Turkey's primary issue, “We acted with this vision and saw the need to bring new schools to our country as the most important investment area. With the decision taken by our TOBB Board of Directors, we made 81 schools in 81 provinces and gave them to our nation and our cities.”

- “As TOBB, the total volume of all investments and supports we have made for education has reached 3.587 billion liras”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that the total volume of investments and supports they made for education as TOBB reached 3.587 billion liras, “As the private sector, we complained that vocational education did not meet the needs.

We wanted to increase public-private cooperation in vocational education and strengthen the role of the private sector. We wanted vocational education to be the most important means of meeting the human resources of the private sector. It's been on our agenda for 20 years. Thanks to our Minister Mahmut Özer, we have seen both great support and important actions in this regard.”

- “We are working towards 154 new schools in 154 counties”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that they have launched a new and very important initiative for the sector and Turkey and that they are proud and happy about it.

“We are coming to the end of our 81 school projects in 81 provinces. But we're not stopping here, we're starting a new, bigger endeavor now. We're working towards 154 new schools in 154 counties. We are bringing new schools to our 154 counties where our chambers and exchanges operate. Good luck to our counties. We are proud to carry out education and social responsibility projects that once stood as distant targets.”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu informed that the number of educational facilities built for Turkey by TOBB reached 307 with the protocol they signed today and shared information about 154 schools and 154 new educational facilities to be built.

- “We work with the awareness that investment in education will never incur loss”

Hisarcıklıoğlu pointed out that they work with the awareness that investments in education will incur loss, and said, “We prepare our young people for the future. As Turkey's entrepreneurial power, we will continue to invest in the future of our country.

As Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder and leader of our country, emphasized; 'It is thanks to school; the knowledge and science that school provides; the art, economics and literature of the Turkish nation will develop.' May our schools be a gift to the future of our country, its young people and tomorrow's leaders.”

With this protocol, TOBB is leading the implementation of a total of 307 schools with 153 schools including 26 primary and secondary schools, 67 high schools, 11 faculties, 21 student dormitories, 13 indoor gymnasiums, 6 workshops and laboratory-like facilities, 1 university, 8 schools held abroad and 154 new schools in 154 districts.

- Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer

Minister of National Education Mahmut Özer pointed out that the most innocuous and risk-free investment is the investment in education, “The most permanent and sustainable capital of the countries is human capital. For this reason, as the Ministry of National Education in Turkey, like all countries, we continue to work day and night to increase the quality of our human capital.”

Özer stated that it is very valuable not only to invest with public resources, but also to manage education investments together with voluntary stakeholders in education. “‎For this reason, I am really happy to cooperate with TOBB, the most ancient and powerful stakeholder of the Ministry of National Education, in increasing the access, capacity and efficiency of their children to qualified education.‎ I offer my sincerest gratitude to our TOBB President for his successful work over the years.”

Minister Özer continued: “TOBB is the biggest contributor to the recovery, which has wrecked the coefficient application in 1999, which has been a chronic problem in vocational education for years, as a gift to Turkey of the February 28 process. TOBB conducted research and field scans to create 'Know-How' (information that enables the most efficient or easiest use of a product, a method) while making concrete investments in the labor market.”

- “The phrase ‘I can't find the guy I'm looking for’ will be history”

Minister Özer said that their transformation regarding the Vocational Training Center will throw the words expressed by the employer for years, “I can't find the employee I am looking for; apprentices do not come,” to the dustbin of history.

Following the speech of Minister Özer and Hisarcıklıoğlu, the cooperation protocol was implemented after signing. After signing the protocol, Minister Özer emphasized the importance of the protocol, saying, “It is the best signature I have ever made during my ministry period”. The Vocational Training Consultation Meeting part of the meeting continued closed to the press.


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