Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Awards for the stars of Gaziantep

27.12.2022 / Gaziantep

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu attended the Stars of Gaziantep Award Ceremony, which was also attended by Trade Minister Mehmet Muş. In addition to Hisarcıklıoğlu and Muş, Gaziantep Governor Davut Gül, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Chairman Adnan Ünverdi, Gaziantep Chamber of Industry Council President Adil Sani Konukoğlu, Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin and many Chambers and Commodity Exchange Presidents were present at the ceremony.​

TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu congratulated the industrialists who were entitled to receive awards with their achievements in his speech here. Stating that Gaziantep, which was the banner bearer of the national War of Independence, has become the star of not only Türkiye but also the whole region with its entrepreneurs and industrialists today, Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the city is the role model and inspiration source of this whole region.

Stating that Gaziantep broke a historical record in exports and reached 10 billion dollars, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “10 years ago, among the largest 1,000 industrial enterprises, there were 35 companies from Gaziantep. Now that number has risen to 67. It has become the 4th province with the most companies on the list. It became a brand not only in industry, but also in agriculture. It took place among the top 5 cities in agricultural exports. It has also taken the offensive in tourism. It has become a world brand both in history and cultural tourism and in gastronomic tourism. It entered the lists of UNESCO. Our President Fatma Şahin has also made a great effort in this. On the other hand, it has also made breakthroughs in technology. Gaziantep technopark has become one of the fastest growing Technoparks. In short, Antep has turned into a real brand city with its land, people and economy. Being together with you, the architects of all these achievements, gives me a special honor and happiness.I say that everyone should know the value of our companies that will receive the awards they deserve here. Because now the source of the power of countries and even cities is their entrepreneurs. If your entrepreneur is strong, your country will be strong and your city will be strong. Therefore, I see you as the pupil of Antep and Türkiye, and the proud examples of the Antep business world.”

- Gaziantep became a role model for the whole country

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu, who said that industrialism is present in Gaziantep's genes, said, “Even in those difficult conditions of 101 years ago, the people of Antep did not give up; they founded the İmalat-ı Harbiye Factory, invented out of nothing, collected molds and made gunpowder, dismantled lead plates, poured lead and produced bullets, and produced its own ammunition. The people of Antep, who have such blessed ancestors, have become a role model for our country as the pioneers of perseverance, determination, getting out of every difficulty and innovation.”

- It is impossible to escape from the green future

Hisarcıklıoğlu also said that Gaziantep Chamber of Industry has determined a very correct theme, adding that the green future is an inevitable process for the country, industry and economy. The TOBB President warned that if this cannot be complied with, additional customs duties will be paid on exports to Europe as of 2026, adding, “This is 770 million Euros per year for now.” Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Gaziantep Chamber of Industry has now taken the work it started in this direction with the green transformation last year one step further and said: “It shows that it is seriously considering this issue and closely following the paradigm shift in the world.As TOBB, we are trying to integrate our members into the green transformation. We will soon launch a portal where our members can calculate their carbon footprint. The architects of this organization also deserve special praise. I congratulate our Gaziantep Chamber of Industry and congratulate our Adnan Ünverdi President, management and assembly who successfully completed the Chamber Election. With their work, Gaziantep is rapidly advancing towards becoming a city that has a say in the world.With its transformation move in the industry, model factory, technology development center and Vocational Training facility, it brings both qualified people and high technology and high added value to our city. Since its establishment, our Chamber of Industry has been providing services that add value to Antep and carrying Gaziantep to the future with its projects. I would like to take this opportunity to remember its founding chairman, our elder Sani Konukoğlu. His saying 'honesty is the trick' has been the basic philosophy of my business life. Abdülkadir Konukoğlu, who later took over the flag, made Sanko a symbol of industrialization in Gaziantep and Türkiye. He also served as the President of the Assembly in our Chamber and provided valuable services. With Adil Sani Konukoğlu taking over the flag, we witnessed that Sanko become a global brand and we are proud of him.Konukoğlu's support to Antep as the President of the Chamber Assembly and to the sector as the President of the Textile Sector Council is also admirable. Mr. Nejat Koçer, one of the Presidents of our Chamber of Industry, who is our deputy and my colleague at TOBB in Ankara, is among us. TOBB has made great efforts and efforts to reach its current level. He has been our voice in the assembly and has given continuous support. We also have a tremendously hardworking mayor in Antep, Fatma Şahin, who has become a brand in local government and has been elected as a world champion in her field. We have a very valuable governor who always supports business people and keeps his door open. One of the chances of Gaziantep is that it has always produced such valuable names.In fact, all my Chamber and Commodity Exchange Presidents in Gaziantep are working with a great vision. All of them have undertaken various duties at TOBB. They constantly follow and communicate your troubles and problems. Together with the support given by our Minister of Trade, they are ensuring that many of them are resolved. When the public and private sectors are so strong and act together as one, the brand value of the city increases. After all, when we join hands, when we work together, when consultation and common sense prevail, there is nothing we cannot achieve.As long as we don't marginalize each other. Let's not exclude anyone as the other. I also believe that Antep will reach much better levels in the future. Approximately 4,000 industrial products are manufactured in Türkiye. 1,167 of them are available in Gaziantep. And Antep is the province with the most production capacity in 133 products, second in 120 products and third in 117 products. Our industrialists have made Gaziantep a star in the region. Now, together with our Chamber, it is initiating the green transformation. Gaziantep, the driving force of Türkiye's industry, is also leading this transformation with its innovation. Therefore, I believe that Gaziantep will take its place among the winners of the future.”

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