Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

UMAT İpsala İbrahim Girgin TIR Park opened for service

23.07.2023 / İpsala / Edirne

UMAT İpsala İbrahim Girgin TIR Park with a capacity of 400 trucks and 100 small vehicles near the İpsala Border Crossing from Türkiye to Greece was opened with the participation of the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu and Minister of Trade Ömer Bolat.​

Speaking at the opening ceremony, TOBB President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said that İpsala is Türkiye's gateway to Europe and that it also stands out as a valuable and fertile place that feeds Türkiye with its fertile agricultural areas.

Stating that one third of the paddy cultivation in Türkiye is done here and the most preferred rice, baldo, is grown here, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “Here we worked to bring works worthy of İpsala, the center of transportation and agriculture. In order to modernize the İpsala Border Gate, together with our chambers and exchanges in Thrace, we established UMAT in 2001. Then, in exactly 150 days, we modernized the İpsala Border Gate and opened it in 2002. We have benefited both our city and our country.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that İpsala Customs Gate received the “Certificate of Merit” from the World Customs Organization in 2012 and that they were very honored by this, and explained that they started to modernize the gate again in 2018 to meet the increasing trade volume, then added a TIR park and made İpsala one of the most modern customs gates.

- “Modernization at customs gates brought records in exports”

Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that Türkiye makes one third of its exports by land and continued his words as follows: “Unfortunately, we had neglected our border gates for many years. We were watching the trucks stretching for kilometers. The success we achieved in İpsala was exemplary and paved the way. Later, the modernization of other land customs gates emerged thanks to the success story written here in İpsala. With our experience in İpsala and the positive approach and approval of our government, we broke new ground in the world. We started to modernize all land customs gates. In doing so, we did not cost the state a single penny. On the contrary, our state's tax revenues increased exponentially thanks to the gates operating more efficiently and with higher volumes. We completely renovated 12 border gates using the most advanced technology and brought them to our country.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu emphasized that the volume of vehicle and passenger crossings at the modernized border gates has increased exponentially, waiting times have been halved, and thus the records achieved in exports have been achieved.

- “May it be beneficial for the country's economy, traders and industrialists”

TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu said that this was implemented with the partnership of the public and private sectors, and is highly appreciated in the world, and for the first time, a project of Türkiye was selected as the “best example-best practice” by the UN.

Stating that the UN has said to the whole world “if you want to make your border crossings fast and safe, do as Türkiye has done”, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “All of this was achieved by our chamber and commodity exchange presidents coming together. There is grace and prosperity in unity and anguish in dissent. We see the grace and prosperity here.”

Noting that they are now explaining this model to neighboring countries in the surrounding geography, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “We are working closely especially with the Turkic Republics and Islamic countries. In the past, they used to ask 'what do chambers and commodity exchanges do? Those days are over. This is how chambers and commodity exchanges invest in Türkiye's future, bring profit to the state, and bring profit to their members. The architects of this success are here today. I would like to thank the chairmen of the chambers and exchanges who have signed this investment.”

Stating that they have now brought a modern TIR park to İpsala, he concluded his words as follows “There is something I like very much, you have also shown your loyalty. You gave the name of our former Chairman of İpsala Commodity Exchange, our dear friend, the late İbrahim Girgin. It was actually our brother İbrahim who started this place. May Allah be pleased with him, may his place be in heaven. I wish that our TIR park will bring goodness and prosperity to Edirne, our Thrace region, the economy of our country, our traders and industrialists.”

- Trade Minister Ömer Bolat

Trade Minister Ömer Bolat stated that they determined policies as a government within the framework of 2023 targets and Türkiye's vision, followed global developments, regulated domestic trade and strived to increase exports, and said that they were together today for a very auspicious and important opening within this framework.

Bolat explained that within the framework of the decision taken by the government on the renewal and modernization of customs gates a few years ago, 13 most important customs gates of Türkiye were renewed and modernized by TOBB and continued his words as follows: “Today, we are holding the ceremonies for the re-opening of our İpsala Customs Gate, which is our most important gate to Southern Europe and the Southern Balkans, and the commissioning of a very large TIR park named after the late İbrahim Girgin. On this occasion, I hope that it will make significant contributions to the trade and exports of our country. I hope that it will provide great convenience to you, our valuable representatives of the trade world, our valuable transporters and drivers.”

- “Türkiye has the fastest functioning customs gates”

Minister Bolat stated that as the Ministry of Trade, they are responsible for increasing exports, bringing foreign currency to the country and balancing foreign trade, and said that customs gates are used in foreign trade.

Stating that there are currently 170 customs gates in total in Türkiye, 152 of which are actually functioning, Bolat said, “The customs gate and TIR park that we will inaugurate here today are important gates through which 40 percent of Türkiye's exports to Europe pass. Therefore, increasing trade is our first duty. It is also a very important task for us to ensure that consumers are not harmed or victimized by ensuring competitive, fair and stable market formation in domestic trade.”

Bolat said that in the last 20 years, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye has achieved a great modernization success in every field, noting that they are among the most modern countries in transportation and infrastructure, and that one of the important steps of this modernization was carried out at customs gates.

Pointing to the change in customs gates, Bolat made the following statements: “You can go to European countries, you can see neighboring countries. In the west, east, south and north, the most modern, fastest functioning customs gates that provide quality and comfort to our citizens are in Türkiye. At this point, both our work as the Ministry of Trade and our work with GTI (Customs and Tourism Enterprises) and UMAT within the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye have gone down in history as very successful cooperation projects. Look, İpsala was awarded as the most modern gate in the world.” Bolat said that this model will be implemented in all Islamic countries thanks to the work done.

- “We manage 700 billion dollars of foreign trade through customs gates”

Trade Minister Bolat said that Türkiye achieved $254 billion in exports last year and that they have achieved about 7% export growth in 20 years, adding that investment and production are needed to develop, modernize and prosper.

“The more trade increases, the more growth and welfare increases,” Bolat said, emphasizing that they are working to increase trade, and that the approximately 700 billion dollars of foreign trade they will reach this year is managed through customs gates, so customs are very important.

Bolat said, “Our colleagues and managers working in customs are carrying out a very critical work on behalf of our country. As the ministry, we are working with all our strength to ensure that foreign trade is carried out effectively, quickly and in a way that does not interrupt trade. The modernization and renewal of our customs gates are also carried out for this purpose.”

Stating that İpsala is Türkiye's most important gateway to Southern Europe and the Southern Balkans, Minister Bolat gave the following information: “While 481 commercial vehicles, i.e. trucks, entered and exited here daily in 2021, this figure increased to 550 in 2022 and we managed to export 4 billion dollars last year through the İpsala border gate. While 375 passenger vehicles entered and exited daily in 2021, this number increased to 1,200 vehicles in 2022. This number increases especially during holidays and vacations. The modernization of İpsala Customs Gate with the build-operate-transfer model was completed in June 2021 with the very good work of UMAT and modern facilities were created.”

Bolat noted that a TIR park was lacking here to prevent the vehicle queues that sometimes stretch for kilometers, and said that UMAT undertook this task. Emphasizing that a very modern TIR park was realized on a total area of 100 decares, Bolat concluded his words as follows: “A great TIR park facility that will meet all the needs of our truck drivers has been opened and completed to the public. This TIR park, which has 400 trucks and 100 passenger vehicles, is named after İbrahim Girgin, President of the İpsala Commodity Exchange, who has provided great services. I remember him with gratitude, may Allah rest his soul in heaven.”

- “Confusion will be avoided”

Sefer Kaya Üzen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of UMAT Co Inc, talked about the modernization works carried out at İpsala Border Gate and the TIR park implemented in the region close to this border gate.

Üzen said that thanks to the TIR park, waiting times will be ensured under humane conditions, random parking of trucks and cars will be prevented and chaos will be avoided.

After the speeches, Minister Bolat cut the opening ribbon of the TIR park and inspected the facility.

The TIR park, which will serve with various social areas, market, cafeteria, restaurant, local products market, masjid, barber, exchange office, shower areas and laundry, was named after İpsala Commodity Exchange President İbrahim Girgin, who passed away in 2021 from an illness.

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