Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Local products showcased

09.10.2024 / Antalya

In Antalya, the Local Products Fair (YÖREX), which features Anatolian flavors, opened its doors to visitors for the 13th time. The President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu said in his speech at the opening of the fair that a beneficial work has been done for the country at YÖREX.​

Stating that the products unique to Anatolia are being showcased at the fair, Hisarcıklıoğlu noted that the chambers and commodity exchanges have important efforts in the geographical marking of local products throughout the country.

Stating that approximately 45 percent of the products throughout the country have received geographical indication registration certificates thanks to the chambers and exchanges, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “The way to make money is through branding, and the way to branding is through patents. It is not possible to brand without getting a patent. You will go to the Turkish Patent Office and have your product patented. The second stage is to register it in the European Union (EU). We are a little behind there, so far 27 of our products have received geographical indication registration from the EU, 70 products are waiting in line.”

Hisarcıklıoğlu stated that as TOBB, they provide the necessary support for the registration of products in the EU.

Emphasizing that YÖREX also contributes significantly to the commercial movement, Hisarcıklıoğlu said, “At YÖREX, we bring together producers and retail chains and e-commerce portals. We have business negotiations at the stands.”

- “In geographical indication, we are in second place after China”

Prof. Dr. Muhammed Zeki Durak, President of the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office, stated that as an institution, they are responsible for the protection of Türkiye’s cultural heritage and geographically marked products.

Explaining that products and works are important not only as commercial value but also in terms of carrying history, culture and traditions into the future, Durak said:

“While the number of registrations in the first 10-year period since 1995, when geographical indication protection started in our country, was 69, this number was 105 in 2005-2015 and 1,328 in 2015-2023. As of today, the number of geographical indication registrations has reached 1639. We will increase this figure to over 2,000 with the quality registration of more than 600 applications, which are still being processed. Our country ranks second after China in terms of geographical indication.”

Antalya Governor Hulusi Şahin, Antalya MP Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Muhittin Böcek, Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Yusuf Hacısüleyman and Antalya Commodity Exchange President Ali Çandır also spoke at the opening ceremony.

The fair, where 72 cities’ local flavors and products are exhibited, will remain open until October 12th.

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