28.05.2024 /
In his opening speeches, Ender Yorgancılar touched upon the export potential of the hardware industry and stated that he believes that conveying the demands of the sector to the public with a common voice will enable working in coordination. Accordingly, Ender Yorgancılar expressed his satisfaction with the representation of the sector under the roof of TOBB and wished success to the Presidential Board to be elected.
Çetin Tecdelioğlu, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Civtec Cıvata Co Inc, who was the only candidate for Council Presidency, was elected unanimously, while Mustafa Tarkan Doğan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Istanbul Kilit Co Inc, was elected unanimously as Vice President.
In his opening speeches, Çetin Tecdelioğlu, Council President, expressed the importance of establishing such an assembly within TOBB and emphasized the importance of working together with Public Institutions and Organizations.
The Council, which plans to propose solutions to the short, medium and long-term problems of the sector, expressed the importance of expressing the needs and wishes of the sector under the roof of TOBB.
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