03.09.2024 / Ankara
In his opening speeches, Ender Yorgancılar thanked for the support they have given to the legislative works related to the sector such as Remote Working Regulation, Domestic Goods Communiqué, Data Localization Legislation in order to find solutions to the problems of the sector since its establishment.
Çetin Tecdelioğlu, President of the Council, emphasized the importance of domestic production and informed the Council Members about the support and incentive mechanisms that can be created in order to realize sectoral growth.
In the meeting where issues that directly concern the hardware industry such as qualified employment, sectoral fairs, specialized Organized Industrial Zones (OIZ) were discussed within the agenda, GS1 CEO Elif Bilgehan Müftüoğlu, Vocational Qualification and Certification Centers A.Ş. Deputy General Manager Yasemin Sezer, TOBB Trade Centers A.Ş. Business Development and Corporate Communications Manager Haydar Can Yavuz, TOBB Presidential Chief Advisor Hüseyin Çağrı Gürgür made presentations about TOBB's corporate structure and subsidiaries.
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