Turkish Glass and Glass products Industry Assembly gathered at TOBB Plaza in İstanbul, making comments about sector, it addressed potential opportunities and disadvantages for 2011.
01.02.2011 /
Sector representatives who expressed that negative effects of the crisis were partially prevented by taking serious actions regarding energy consumption in 2010, pointed that sectoral growth has reached to nearly 20% by compensating costs.
During the meeting in which Ceyda Erdem, President of the Assembly made comments on TOBB 5th Turkish Sectoral Economy Council, troubles experienced in export are also addressed. Troubles in front of the export are listed as follows; compensatory taxes applied against Iran will be ruled out by June, Value of Turkish Lira increased and there is no reduction in taxes even though energy costs became higher. -Sub – committees gave information. During the meeting, sub – committees under Glass and Glass products Assembly gave information about studies done to assembly. Serdar Özer, Vice President of the assembly also in charge of Environment Committee within the Assembly, stressed that environmental negotiations conducted with EU have burden. Özer recalled pre – negotiations done regarding determination of mission and strategy of Environmental and Climate Change Permanent committee by working together with TOBB Sector Assembly and relevant experts. During the meeting, while pointing out there are so many things to do such as supporting solar energy in order to improve energy efficiency in residences by upcoming period, it is also stated that positive results of the energy efficiency studies carried out in enterprises are being expected. On the other hand, during the meeting requirement of emission taxes and government’s liability to create encouraging inputs for energy saving are also discussed.