Turkish Fairs Assembly gathered in İstanbul with the agenda including KOSGEB grants, new application directives of Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and studies of the sub-committees.​


Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Turkish Fairs Assembly gathered

15.04.2011 / 


Turkish Fairs Assembly gathered in İstanbul with the agenda including KOSGEB grants, new application directives of Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and studies of the sub-committees.​

Members stated that they have positive expectations for 2011, and the fairs sector had accelerated in 2010 compared to 2009 which was a troubled period.It is also emphasized that educational fairs shall be supported by Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and KOSGEB which both gives support only to trade fairs. Gürkan Süzer, Head of the Department of Fairs Permits and Grants in Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade, gave information on fair permits, fair grants and buying committees. He also said that they had given national participation permits to 225 fairs abroad, and gave support to 8.500 individual companies in terms of fair participation in 2011. Yeşim Çepni, Director of Market Research and Development in KOSGEB, gave information on fair supports and the recently changed subjects in the KOSGEB Law.

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