‘Turkish Speaking Entrepreneurs’ in search of partnerships
14.05.2011 /
Nearly 45 Turkish speaking entrepreneurs from 21 countries and 3 autonomous zones met at TOBB. This year marks the twelfth convention of the program, in which to date 367 businessmen have attended.​
The entrepreneurship program, conducted by TOBB and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aims at strengthening bonds and economic relations with the Turkish speaking entrepreneurs in the Balkans, Caucasia, the Middle East and Central Asia countries.Entrepreneurs attending this year’s program take part in enterprises, mainly in their own countries, in the sectors of contracting; food produce machinery; food packaging machinery; furniture and wood products; construction and installations; tourism; projects; legal and investment consultation.Throughout the program it is intended that the attendees be informed about entrepreneurship and business experiences. To this extent the guests will be able to attend various seminars, fairs and talks in collaboration with DEİK, TOBB-ETU University, TİKA, DTM and İGEME.The guests will also be visiting the organized industry zones and chambers in Ankara, Karaman, Konya and Istanbul as well conducting bi-lateral business talks.With the attendance of many public administration representatives, the opening ceremony of the program was held at the Union Center of TOBB, providing an opportunity to pool information. After the meeting some of the guest entrepreneurs spoke their views on The12th Turkish Speaking Entrepreneurs Program and partnership opportunities.Ismail Beglyarov from Russia spoke of the opportunities of profitable partnerships possible with Turkey’s experience in entrepreneurship and Russia’s resources. Fahrettin Mehmet of Greece pointed to the well organized zones in Gümülcine Organized Industry Zone and drew attention to the fact that Greece’s economic downswing presents ample opportunity while İsmail Mümin expressed his hopes for an advancement of economic relations between the two countries in the construction and installations sectors. Talking of the advances of the pharmaceutical and medical sector in Iran, Aliakbar Najarı Dızaji spoke of diverting some of the imports in said sectors from the west to Iran. Tajikistani guest Anvarov Shokir stated his wishes to conduct talks about metal processing machinery in Turkey, saying that the partnership possibilities of providing machinery to Tajikistan. Aidyn Makash of Kazakhstan expressed his happiness at the strengthening of economic relations between the two countries, saying that they have profited nicely from their partnerships in Turkey. Halide Gürün from the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) bemoaned the various embargoes in effect regarding KKTC but expressed her trust in young entrepreneurs to succeed. Hossein Pashaie of İran congratulated TOBB for their part in organizing the program and expressed his satisfaction in regards to their meetings and contacts in Turkey. Musazade Sameddin and Samir İsgandarov of Azerbaijan spoke of the great economic potential between Turkey and Azerbaijan, emphasizing their belief in the beneficial nature of continued strong commercial relations. Süreyya İnal from Germany, providing consultation services, stated their wishes to see the political relations catch up to the level of economic relations between Germany and Turkey.