Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Opening of the Turkish Speaking Entrepreneurs Program held at TOBB

03.03.2014 / Ankara

TOBB 17th Turkish Speaking Entrepreneurs Program Opening Session was held at TOBB Social Facilities. The program, attended by 600 entrepreneurs from 24 countries and 5 autonomous regions, is viewed as one of the most important organizations for forming new cooperation opportunities. ​

Speaking at the opening session, TOBB Deputy Secretary General Ali Emre Yurdakul said, “Since 2005, the 16 programs we’ve organized have been successfully completed with the support of our public administration institutions, especially that of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.”


Yurdakul stated that the program is geared towards Turkish speaking citizens of the Balkans, Eastern Europe, Caucasia, Central Asia, the Middle East countries, Germany and Russia.


Stating that the program aids in the strengthening of friendly relations in our region while also developing financial and economic ties with the business communities who speak Turkish, Yurdakul reported that thanks to TOBB Turkish Speaking Entrepreneurs Program, they have established contact with many Turkish speaking entrepreneurs living in a geography ranging from Germany to Caucasia; from the Middle East to Central Asia; from Moldova to TRNC, strengthening their grasp of the language and presenting opportunity to develop strong relations between themselves as well as the companies of country.

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