The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) provided EU Project Management Training to chamber and exchange personnel. From October 20th to December 16th, 6 groups comprised from 146 Secretary Generals and personnel from 81 provinces were trained.​
"/>25.12.2011 /
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) provided EU Project Management Training to chamber and exchange personnel. From October 20th to December 16th, 6 groups comprised from 146 Secretary Generals and personnel from 81 provinces were trained.​
To be analyzed for future projects, there will also be a project team put together according to the results of the European Union Project Management Training, provided to allow the chambers and exchanges to make greater use of EU and national funds and provide better service to their members.
During the training, lasting 2 days, the trainees were shown two presentations regarding EU project management and EU and national financial resources by the educators of TOBB ETU SEM. On the second day, information on the activities of EU Ministry, Development Ministry, Central Finance and Tender Unit and various ABÄ°GEM Inc. directors and experts were explained.
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