Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

TOBB delegation in Brazil

10.06.2019 / Sao Paulo / Brazil

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Board Member Özer Matlı led the TOBB delegation to Brazil to attend the 11th World Chambers Congress.​

The TOBB delegation held meetings in Sao Paulo. TOBB delegation first met with Turkey's Consul General to Sao Paulo Serkan Gedik and Turkey’s Ambassador to Brazilian Murat Yavuz Ateş, receiving information about the relationship between Brazil and Turkey.

 The delegation then participated in a business dinner hosted by the Federation of Industrialists of Sao Paulo (FIESP). TOBB-FIESP cooperation was discussed at the dinner. In addition, there was an exchange of views on the relations between Turkey and Brazil and what could be done to contribute its improvement.

The TOBB delegation was comprised of TOBB Board Member Özer Matlı, TOBB Deputy Secretary General Sarp Kalkan and Assistant Specialist Seda Gedik.


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