TOBB Turkey Petroleum and Petroleum Products Industry Council made a joint announcement with the TOBB Turkey Land Route Passenger Transportation Council and Turkey Transportation and Logistics Council, demanding that urgent and strict measures be taken against the counterfeit and smuggled fuel activities conducted under the name of oil no. 10 which has cost lives, environmental pollution, unfair competition and loss of tax revenue totaling up to 5 billion TL in the last 3 years.​
"/>08.03.2012 /
TOBB Turkey Petroleum and Petroleum Products Industry Council made a joint announcement with the TOBB Turkey Land Route Passenger Transportation Council and Turkey Transportation and Logistics Council, demanding that urgent and strict measures be taken against the counterfeit and smuggled fuel activities conducted under the name of oil no. 10 which has cost lives, environmental pollution, unfair competition and loss of tax revenue totaling up to 5 billion TL in the last 3 years.​
Drawing attention to the fact that the oil no. 10 problem has yet to be solved despite the precautions taken by the Ministry of Treasury, the sector council pointed out that the solution to the problem requires a wide collaboration and coordination of public administration agencies.
- Tax revenues lost has reached 5 billion TL in the last 3 years
It was stated that, despite precautions, the tax revenue lost has reached a yearly amount of 1.5-2 billion TL and this problem has cost the government a total of 5 billion TL lost revenue.
- What is needed to solve the problem
- All imported ingredients used in the production of oil no. 10 should be recorded and tracked by the government, preventing the illegal utilization of said ingredients.
- Environment and Urbanization Ministry should find and fine those using oil no. 10.
- As the production of the oil no. 10 can be blanketed to remain legal until consumption, hence it is vital that it is monitored once it reaches the consumption stage and remains punishable by law.
- Unfair competition
The use of oil no. 10 engenders an environment of unfair competition for producers, resellers and consumers where our refineries invest huge amounts in order to produce world standard fuel.
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