Şerit Komutlarını Atla

Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği

Oturum Aç


  1. To evaluate, examine and approve the capacity reports composed by the Chambers.
  2. To code the main machinery, all of the information about the production of the firm and the main consumption goods according to the international code system, to scan, file and enter the data of the firm to computer.
  3. To enter the changes about information of the firm and to cancel the capacity reports which are expired or demanded by the Chambers to be canceled
  4. To ensure the capacity reports edit and follow up according to the “ Industrial Capacity Report Automation System”
  5. To define and update the capacity criteria in order to keep up with the technological changes.
  6. To inspect the firms on their own place according to the demand of the other intitutions or in cases when deemed necessary.
  7. To give expertise and edit Capacity Reports when demanded by Chambers.
  8. To execute the “Turkish National Comitee of Sericulture”
  9. To inform the institutions from public sector about the sectoral challenges
  10. To collaborate with the other departments of the Union (TOBB) about the industrial issues.
  11. To attend the meetings about the industrial issues and to organize meetings in case of necessity.

Sanayi Müdürlüğü