Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Department of European Union and Foregin Relations

TOBB - IDB - ICCI Chamber Academy

Chamber Academy 2011 Final Report

Based on the responsibility of chambers, as the main business support organizations in the world, to strengthen economic and commercial ties between countries, The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Islamic Development Bank Group and the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture have initiated a networking and capacity building program for chamber executives of the OIC member countries: TOBB - IDB/ITFC & ICCIA Chamber Academy.


The first Chamber Academy was realized in 2011 bringing together 22 high level chamber professionals from 20 OIC countries. With last year’s experience and the contributions from the 2011 alumni, TOBB - IDB/ITFC & ICCIA Chamber Academy 2012 was prepared with a further developed content and was realized on 8-12 October 2012 in TOBB Headquarters, Ankara.


On 12 October 2012, participants from 10 OIC Member Countries has taken their certificates from TOBB President and ICCIA Vice President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu.