Turkish Housewares Council convened to assess sectoral problems
TOBB Turkey Housewares Council meeting was held at the TOBB Istanbul Service Building under the auspeices of TOBB Vice President Ali Kopuz, Council Chair Ömer Ertuğrul Erdoğan with the participation the representatives of the private sector and non-governmental organizations.
Training held prior accreditation recertification audits
As a part of the Accreditation System efforts, Secretaries general and accreditation officers of the Chambers/Exchanges of 1st, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 10th terms received preparatory training on the 17th and 18th of July, 2017.
TOBB MEYBEM logo changed
TOBB MEYBEM Vocational Qualification and Examination Centers, established as an affiliate of TOBB to provide examination and certification services in all Turkey regarding hazardous and extremely hazardous professions, changed its logo as a part of its institutionalization efforts.
The rooms and exchanges in Mardin meet at a joint meeting
As a part of the “81 Academic Advisors for 81 Provinces” Project carried out by TOBB since 2014, the ninth in a series of joint meetings of the chambers and the stock exchanges continued hosted by the Kızıltepe Commodity Exchange.
ICC 63rd General Assembly convened
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Turkey National Committee of the 63rd General Assembly Meeting was held at the Istanbul TOBB service building.