TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Council and TOBB Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Council Regional Representative elections completed
Ahmet Musa Yolçu (TOBB Adıyaman Young Entrepreneurs Council Executive Committee Chairman) and Mehmet Şerif Sayar (TOBB Diyarbakır Young Entrepreneurs Council Executive Committee) participating in the elections on behalf of 5th Region Southeastern Anatolia TOBB Provincial Women / Provincial Young Entrepreneurs Council Regional Representation elections held on 26.07.2019 and İbrahim Özmen (TOBB Bursa Young Entrepreneurs Council Executive Committee Chairman) and Tufan Şahinkesen (TOBB Kocaeli Young Entrepreneurs Council Executive Committee Chairman) received equal votes for the primary election.
ECO CCI Committee Meetings held
Hosted the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Economic Cooperation Organization Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECO CCI) Committee Meetings were held in Istanbul.
TOBB KGK / GGK Regional Representative elections held
Regional Representative elections were held among the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Presidents and TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Council Executive Committee Presidents from the 10 provinces selected by TOBB.
Şanlıurfa and Trabzon Women Entrepreneurs Council Sign Protocol
With the support of Şanlıurfa Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Trabzon Chamber of Commerce and Industry EU Information Centers, TOBB Şanlıurfa Women Entrepreneurs Council and TOBB Trabzon Women Entrepreneurs Council held the “Entrepreneurs from Şanlıurfa to Trabzon” event at the Şanlıurfa Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
14th Term Chamber / Commodity Exchanges trainings continue
As a part of the Chamber/Exchange Accreditation System efforts, “Process and Risk Management Training,” was held on July 22-23, 2019, with the participation of 14th period Chambers / Commodity Exchanges. During the training, process perspective was explained with examples with regards to the expectations of the Accreditation Standard.
TOBB SME Policies Council convened
TOBB SME Policies Board convened with the participation of TOBB Board Member Suat Selim Kandemir and Former President Süreyya Serdengeçti.
Faik Yavuz participated in pre-audit briefing
As a part of the Accreditation System efforts, 4.6.9. 12. Pre-Audits Information Training was held for the Secretaries General and Accreditation Officers of the 4th, 6th, 9th and 12th Term Accredited Chambers/Commodity Exchanges.
Faik Yavuz participated in the Become Nuclear seminar
The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz participated in the “Towards Nuclear Subcontracting - Become Nuclear” seminar organized by the TOBB CERN Industrial Liaison Office and the Spanish IDOM Group-Nuclear Division.
TOBB ETU 3rd Anniversary of the July 15th Treacherous Coup Attempt Panel
TOBB ETU on the occasion of the July 15th Democracy and National Unity Day, held the 3rd Anniversary of the July 15th Treacherous Coup Attempt Panel was held. The panel was moderated by TOBB ETU Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Yusuf Sarınay on July 18th 2019 and was attended by Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences. Dr. Prof. Dr. Gonca Bayraktar Durgun, Professor of Theology at the Faculty of Theology at Hitit University and Program Advisor for TEPAV Regional Studies. Dr. Hilmi Demir.