Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Air-Conditioning Council demands equality in special consumption tax

The Turkey Air-Conditioning Council, a part of the Union of Chamber and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), met with Zeki Poyraz presiding. Stating that cooling and humidifying ACs are exempt from special consumption tax (ÖTV) when sold under the name heating/AC, the sector representatives requested that this be addressed.​ ​

The chemicals sector in search of new markets for export

TOBB Turkey Chemicals Industry Council met in Ankara to assess the developments and troubles of the rapidly growing sector. The Council President Timur Erk stated that the market share of EU countries’ chemicals sectors has decreased from 32% to 25% and that the projected share for 2020 is 20%. Erk stated that in regards to these developments, Turkey’s market share in the chemicals imports of EU have fallen to 45% and that we should be looking to other regions for exports.​ ​

Higher Education Council requests education with a view towards the job market

TOBB Turkey Higher Education Council met in Istanbul with the attendance of the TOBB Vice President Halim Mete under Council President Bekir Okan’s lead. While a presentation on the expectations of the sector was shown, it was demanded that a transition from a instruction-centric education to a student-centric one as well a stating that a job market compatible education must be planned.​ ​

According to Journey Authorization Permits and TIR Carnet Issued Statistics by TOBB;

During the December of 2011, there has been a decrease in the number of Journey Authorization by 10.31% and a decrease in the number of TIR Carnets issued by 5.40%.​ ​

Technical consultants request limitations on their liabilities

Meeting with Fatma Çölaşan presiding in Ankara, TOBB Turkey Technical Consultants Council discussed liability insurance, technical consultancy clause and foreign activity government aid as well as questions and suggested solutions to be presented at the 2012 sector assembly.​ ​

TOBB Mining Council visited Minister Eker

TOBB Turkey Mining Council visited the Food, Agriculture and Livestock Minister M. Mehdi Eker under the lead of Council President İsmet Kasapoğlu to relate the problems they encounter in the mining sector and suggest solutions.​ ​

UMEM Ability’10 Project has provided employment for over 27,000 in 10 months

Specialized Vocational Training Centers (UMEM) Ability’10 Project Executive Committee held its last meeting of 2011 in the TOBB Social Facilities Conference Hall in Ankara.​ ​

Certificate of origin and circulation sale and approval prices for 2012 determined

TOBB Board of Directors has determined the certificate of origin and circulation sale and approval prices for 2012.​ ​

Automatic fire extinguisher for busses suggested to be mandatory

A presentation regarding fires on busses was made during the TOBB Turkey Overland Passenger Transportation Council meeting.​ ​

TOBB provided EU Project management training to chambers and exchanges on a regional basis

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) provided EU Project Management Training to chamber and exchange personnel. From October 20th to December 16th, 6 groups comprised from 146 Secretary Generals and personnel from 81 provinces were trained.​ ​

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