Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
The Turkish development model can be used as an example

In his article published in the Oman Daily Gazette, Ahmed Al Obeidiliy wrote about the President of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu’s speech at the General Assembly of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Amman.​ ​

TOBB ETU requested support from the civilian aviation sector for the Joint Education Program

The TOBB Civilian Aviation Council convened in Istanbul. In the meeting, while Council President Şahabettin Bolukçu was assessing 2010, Council members related their expectations from 2011.​ ​

Press release of statistics of established and closed companies in june 2011

The number of the newly established companies increased by 9,53 % in June 2011 with respect to previous month.​ ​

Food sector is troubled by misinformation about processed foods

Members of the TOBB Turkey Food Industry Council emphasized the damage of unfounded news made regarding processed foods. Council members stated that there were erroneous news regarding Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) and as a result, Russia has stopped importing tomatoes and cucumbers.

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British Commerce Undersecretary Cherrie visited TOBB

Yvonne E. Cherrie, recently appointed as the British Consulate Commerce and Investment Undersecretary, visited TOBB and met with the Deputy Secretary General Ali Emre Yurdakul.​ ​

Sleeves rolled up for rural development investment projects

TOBB Turkey Agriculture Council Meeting was held in Ankara with the attendance of the TOBB Board Member Mustafa Yardımcı. The communiqué concerning the funding of the rural development investment projects which started out on 16 provinces and spread out to 81 provinces was discussed during the meeting as well as the assessment of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Ministry’s representatives regarding the projects and the extension until 2015.​ ​

Turkey Ceramic and Refractor Industry Council President Okyay introduced the “Emission Control Project”

TOBB Turkey Ceramic and Refractor Industry Council President Zeynep Bodur Okyay introduced the “Emission Control Project”, planned to decrease the greenhouse effect by lowering the emission compounds released into the atmosphere by the industry, and the “Increasing Energy Efficiency in Industry Project” aimed at reducing the energy usage by 50% in industry, resulting in both economical and environmental benefit.

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Production in automotive increases by 16% in the first quarter

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), Turkey Automotive Industry Council Vice President Prof. Dr. Ercan Tezer reported that during the January-April term of this year an increase of 16% overall and a 11% in automobiles production was observed largely due to domestic developments. Tezer said, “In this term overall production has increased to 408,000 and automobile production to 223,000.”

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Patent and Brand Delegates Council starts work on profession act

TOBB Turkey Patent and Brand Delegates Council members stated that the lack of a profession act for patent and brand delegates regulating discipline, behavioral rules and pricing is causing everyone to act on their own initiative, leading to unfair competition in the sector. Council members emphasized the need for a commission to form a profession act as soon as possible.

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According to Journey Authorization Permits and TIR Carnet Issued Statistics by TOBB;

During the June of 2011, there has been a decrease in the number of Journey Authorization by 6,82% and an increase in the number of TIR Carnets issued by 0,68%.​ ​

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