Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Round table meeting in Istanbul as part of the 3rd Ministerial Meeting of the TPS-OIC Trade Negotiations Committee

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB), with the support of the Ministry of Trade, organized a roundtable meeting in İstanbul as part of the side event of the 3rd Ministerial Meeting of the Trade Negotiations Committee of the Preferential Trade System among the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) (TPS-OIC).​

Project information meeting for TOBB Provincial KGK Presidents

A project information meeting was held for the Presidents of TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Boards.​

Number of domestic goods certificates approved in May 2024 increased by 33% compared to the previous month

The number of domestic goods certificates approved in May 2024 increased by 33% compared to the previous month. 1,136 Domestic Goods Certificates were approved by TOBB in May 2024 within the framework of the provisions of the Domestic Goods Communiqué (SGM 2014/35) prepared by the Ministry of Industry and Technology pursuant to Article 63 of the Public Procurement Law No. 4734 and published in the Official Gazette dated September 13, 2014 and numbered 29118.​

Number of Industrial Capacity Reports Approved in May 2024 Increased by 25.4% Compared to the Previous Month

The number of capacity reports approved by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) in May 2024 increased by 10% (414) compared to May 2023 and reached 4,551.​

TOBB KGK Western Mediterranean Regional Meeting held in Afyonkarahisar

TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Council Western Mediterranean Regional Meeting was hosted by Afyonkarahisar Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the participation of TOBB Council Member Ali Çandır.​

TOBB Provincial KGK Southeast Anatolia Regional Meeting

TOBB Provincial Women Entrepreneurs Council Southeast Anatolia Regional Meeting was chaired online by TOBB Mardin Women Entrepreneurs Council President and Regional Representative Deniz Hitay.​

“Applications of Mediation and Arbitration in Türkiye and India” seminar held

The Seminar on Mediation and Arbitration Practices in Türkiye and India was held at the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Conference Hall in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice, TOBBUYUM and the Indian Institute of Arbitration and Mediation.​

Council Members Information Seminar begins

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) Chamber/Exchange Council Members Information Seminar, covering the days of June 1-2, 2024, started at TOBB Twin Towers. Cengiz Delibaş, Deputy Secretary General of TOBB, stated in his speech at the opening of the seminar that the participants will be informed about the institutional structure and affiliates of TOBB. ​

“International Conference on Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and New Approaches in Credit Modular Education”

“International Conference on Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and New Approaches in Credit Modular Education” was hosted by the Ministry of National Education Directorate of Vocational and Technical Education on May 29-30, 2024.​

TIR Committee convened

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) TIR Committee convened via video conference with the participation of the Committee members.​

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