Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Türkiye - Tajikistan Business Forum was held at TOBB

28.05.2024 / 

Türkiye-Tajikistan Business Forum was held at TOBB Twin Towers with the participation of Mehmet Fatih Kacır, Minister of Industry and Technology; Sherali Kabir, Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan; Seyit Ardıç, Member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB); Sulton Rahimzoda, Chairman of the State Committee for Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan; Nasimdzhon Anvarov, First Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tajikistan; and Nail Olpak, President of DEIK.​

In his speech at the meeting, TOBB Board Member Seyit Ardıç stated that as the Turkish business world, they feel Tajikistan close to them culturally and historically and said, “Turkish-Tajik relations are rising on a strong cultural heritage where we share great thinkers such as Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi.”

Emphasizing that they want to increase their bilateral trade relations of around 500 million dollars to 1 billion dollars, Ardıç said, “We have realized 52 contracting projects in Tajikistan totaling around 700 million dollars. Türkiye is the 5th largest foreign investor in Tajikistan as of the last 5 years. The amount of investments realized by Turkish companies in Tajikistan in the last 10 years has exceeded 200 million dollars. The Agreement on Mutual Encouragement and Protection of Investments, the new version of which was signed today, will have a mutually increasing effect on our investments.”

Noting that the visa issue continues to be a problem for business people, Ardıç said that visa problems have a serious deterrent effect on trade and investments and that this issue should be removed as soon as possible.

Stating that the Türkiye-Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Agreement was signed between TOBB and Tajikistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ardıç expressed that they hope the Chamber will start its activities in a short time.

Seyit Ardıç said that Tajikistan has a geographically advantageous position, a key position in Central Asia and the Silk Road region, and constitutes an important alternative for transportation to China, especially in terms of southern transit.

- Minister Kacır

Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır also expressed his hope that the forum, which is a manifestation of the strong ties between Türkiye and Tajikistan, will strengthen the trade and investment ties between Turkish business people and the business world of the sister country Tajikistan.

Kacır underlined that Tajikistan, which they see as a brotherly and friendly country, is among the leading trade and investment partners in Central Asia, both in terms of its economic potential, its role in the logistics links between Asia and Europe and its natural resources.

Kacır stated that as Türkiye, they have been following Tajikistan’s recent achievements in its industrialization and development journey with appreciation, and in this direction, they are walking shoulder to shoulder with business people to reach the target of 1 billion dollars trade volume set by the Presidents of the two countries as soon as possible.

Kacır stated that they have always felt the support of their Tajik brothers in line with this goal and said

“The ‘Agreement on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments’ signed today with my dear brother Sherali Kabir will also act as a catalyst to increase investment cooperation. The arbitration mechanism introduced in the updated agreement will ensure a reliable investment environment for investors. This will be done on a regular basis to further advance and institutionalize cooperation. Business forums and mixed economic commission meetings will also be priority platforms to pave the way for investors and entrepreneurs. At the 12th Joint Economic Commission Meeting today, we prepared a detailed 56-point action plan, including actions on trade, investment, industry, banking, energy, transportation and cooperation between business circles. Within this framework, we agreed to launch the Turkish-Tajik Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum and to organize events and country promotion meetings in certain sectors.”

- Nail Olpak

DEIK President Nail Olpak also pointed out the importance of the signed agreements and said that they are aware of Tajikistan’s strategy, goals and transformation and that Turkish and Tajik contractors can produce projects within this framework.

Inviting Tajik businesspeople to invest in Türkiye, Olpak drew attention to the developments in Türkiye’s education and health sectors and called for utilizing the services in the country.

Chairman of the State Committee for Investments and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan Sulton Rahimzoda said that the Republic of Tajikistan has prepared all opportunities and favorable conditions for investment, and both Tajik and foreign citizens can invest in Tajikistan, taking equal advantage of these opportunities.

Rahimzoda emphasized that the most important thing for the investor is security and stated that Tajikistan has become one of the safest countries in the world in the last 5 years. Rahimzoda stated that the Republic of Tajikistan has great reserves and potentials.

Minister of Industry and New Technologies of the Republic of Tajikistan Sherali Kabir said that Tajikistan has prepared very favorable and favorable conditions for Turkish businessmen and investors.

Kabir said that they have a young and professionally educated population and Turkish businessmen who will invest will have the chance to benefit from well-educated and knowledgeable young people and will help their trade gain momentum.

Stating that they have prepared the necessary infrastructures in the field of trade, Kabir emphasized that Tajikistan is located in the heart of Central Asia, neighboring China, India and Pakistan, and that they can offer a huge potential for investors.

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