Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Healthcare Institutions Council reviewed 2014

31.12.2014 / Ankara

TOBB Turkey Healthcare Institutions Council meeting was held at TOBB and attended by Ministry of Health Vice Director Dr. Ömer Faruk Erbay, Social Security Institution Branch Director Dr. Sibel Gazioğlu and council members and presided over by Dr. Seyit Karaca.​

During the meeting, the status of the sector in 2014 was reviewed while suggestions for actions in 2015 were submitted, while Ministry of health and SGK authorities provided information in regards to developments in the healthcare sector.


Topics discussed during the meeting were patient quotas in physical therapy and rehabilitation centers, discrepancies between Ministry of Health and SGK in regards to doctors working in emergency wards, the prohibition of advertisements for the healthcare sector and the necessity of publishing SUT prices in the November of each year.

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