Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Faik Yavuz: We want work accidents and occupational diseases to reach the lowest possible level

27.09.2017 / Ankara

TOBB Executive Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz attended the closing conference of Business Health and Safety Enhancement Project in the Textile, Leather, Furniture, Food Products and Beverage Manufacturing and Chemical Products Sectors.​

In his address, Faik Yavuz said that public and private sectors are like the wings of a bird, “You can’t reach the target if one is missing. There is no problem that we cannot overcome when the public-private sector work hand in hand.”

Faik Yavuz said that, as employers, they fully support the endeavor to promote common-think, arbitration and cooperation, stating that the understanding of absolute responsibility and punishment of employers should be avoided.

Yavuz, urging to speed up the efforts to spread work health and safety culture to all sections of the society, said, “We must give priority and emphasis to carefully selected security culture-oriented training programs at every stage of the education-training period. We should test the performance of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the secondary legislation by making an impact analysis for the system we established in 2012 with an independent act. We must assess the benefits, problems and needs reported to the council and, if necessary, implement amendments deemed necessary in the legislation by working together with the Ministry and the social parties.”

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