Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

61. Meetings were held in Ankara, TOBB Turkey Technology

20.09.2018 / Ankara

Speaking at the opening of the 61st TOBB Turkey Technology Encounters organized by e-Commerce Center for Continuing Education (e-ticaretSEM) and e-Commerce Center Inc. with the support of TOBB and Ministry of Commerce at the TOBB Twin Towers Hall Meeting, TOBB Board Vice President Selçuk Özturk stated that an electronic commerce revolution is under way throughout the world.​

Öztürk said that the key to increase the efficiency in Turkey is digitization and reported that they are working on the registration and logistics center setup issues of e-commerce sites as the Ministry of Commerce.


Öztürk said, “We produce digital literacy and projects to improve the digital infrastructure of our SMEs. We want to develop e-commerce not only between company and consumer, but also between companies. Under the leadership of our Ministry of Commerce, we will be among the leading countries in the world with the cooperation of public and private sector.”

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