Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Fees for Announcements

​Cost of announcements is firstly approved by Ministry of Industry and Trade then it is published in Turkish Trade Registry Gazette. Ten days after publishing in Gazette it takes effect.

It is shown that cost of announcements dated 03.01.2011:
​Announcements of Companies
​(per word)
​0,25 TL
​Announcements of Cooperatives
​(per word)
​0,19 TL
​Starting Business
(for who has not legal personality)
(no discount) ​
​40,00 TL
​Closing Business and announcements
of ex officio
(no discount)
​Cost of Gazette
​1,50 TL
1. Cost of Gazette has to be added upon fee of announcements.
2.  %10 discount is implemented for developing districts in Turkey.

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