Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Smart SME Digital Transformation Conference in Çorlu

11.09.2024 / Ankara

Smart SME Tekirdağ Digital Transformation Conference was held in Çorlu under the auspices of TOBB and hosted by Çorlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Tekirdağ Chamber of Commerce and Industry with 400 participants. TOBB Board Member and President of Tekirdağ Chamber of Commerce and Industry Cengiz Günay and President of Çorlu Chamber of Commerce and Industry İzzet Volkan made the opening speeches on behalf of TOBB.​

At the conference, where TOBB President Advisor Hasan Çağlayan Dündar participated as a panelist, the digital transformation journey of SMEs, digital business services, digital sales channels, innovative payment systems, open banking, digital marketing, e-export and digitalization in agriculture were discussed and evaluated in detail in two sessions.

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