Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

TOBB Türkiye E-Commerce Council came together in Ankara

16.09.2024 / Ankara

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) E-Commerce Council Meeting took place in Ankara under the chairmanship of Ozan Acar, President of the Council, with the video conference participation of TOBB Board Members Selçuk Öztürk and İbrahim Burkay responsible for the council as well as the attendances of Çağatay Yasin Karaboğa, Head of E-Commerce Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Deniz Okan Savaş, Head of Exemptions Department, Sezen Leventoğlu, Head of Quality Infrastructure and Market Surveillance Department, and Göksu Tülümen, Head of EU Technical Legislation Department.​

The meeting started with Çağatay Yasin Karaboğa, Head of E-Commerce Department, providing information on the E-Commerce Law harmonization processes.

Subsequently, Deniz Eren Okan SavaÅŸ, Head of Exemptions Department, made a presentation on current changes in e-export customs processes.

Information on EU Market Access and Product Safety Legislation was provided by Sezen Leventoğlu, Head of Quality Infrastructure and Market Surveillance Department, and Göksu Tülümen, Head of EU Technical Legislation Department.

In the continuation of the meeting, a consultation meeting was held under the chairmanship of Mahmut Sütçü, Deputy Head of Revenue Administration, on the changes in tax legislation concerning the e-commerce sector.

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