The works and publications about tax and labour legislation are followed up, the Union’s view and suggestions are forwarded by participating in the meeting and conferences and also various activities like seminar and conferences are organized in order to inform our chambers and commodity exchanges.
The works of The Tax Advisory Board of The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey are coordinated and contributed.
The works of the representative of Tax Council in The Ministry of Finance are coordinated.
The works of The General Council’s Commissions which are The Tax Commission, The Economic Policy Commission and The Social Policies Council are coordinated and contributed.
The reporters of The Taxes and Incentives Working Group and Employment Working Group which are formed in The Union as part of The Coordination Council for The Improvement of Investment Environment are our division’s members. In this context, technical and sub-technical committee meetings are participated with the working groups’ chairman and annual action plans are prepared.
We take part in the activities coordinated by The Public Employment Service of Turkey with The Advisory Board and The Steering Committee of Labour Force.
Also The National Occupational Health and Safety Council’s works conducted by The General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety in The Ministry of Labour and Social Security are followed up and contributed by our division.
We debate and participate in the working groups and commissions’ activities in order to enhance employment policies connected with The General Board of Public Employment Service in Turkey and share our Union’s view within the context of these policies.
We participate in and contribute the activities coordinated by The Ministry of Labour and Social Security in order to enhance strategy framework and action plan about employment, health and safety issues and also follow up the related improvements on the action plan of strengthening the relation between employment and vocational education.
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