Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Cengiz Günay attended the Sarajevo Investment Forum

The fifth Sarajevo Investment Forum, sponsored by TOBB, was held in Sarajevo on May 14th, 2014. The forum, held under the patronage of the Bosnia Herzegovina Presidential Council Chairman Bakir Izetbegovich was attended by TOBB Board Member Cengiz Günay as well as many Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers from the Balkans.​

Burkay urges deepening of relations with Jordan

TOBB Board Member Necdet Özer represented TOBB during the Economy Minister, Nihat Zeybekci’s Jordan visit on the 27th - 29th of April, 2014. Burkay gave a speech during the business forum attended by the Economy Minister Zeybekci and the Jordanian Minister of Commerce and Industry Dr. Hatem Halavani on the 27th of April.​

TOBB’s affiliate commissions and councils convened

As part of the preparations for the 70th General Assembly of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), the Tax Commission, Financial Policy Commission, Social Policy Council and SME Policies Council presidents and members exchanged views on domestic and global economy. ​

TOBB selected for Economy Journalists’ Association award

TOBB has been selected for an award at the 6th Golden Pen Economy Journalism Achievement Awards by the Economy Journalists’ Association (EMD). The award was accepted on behalf of TOBB by TOBB Presidential Council Member and Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz.​

"We want to increase cooperation in Qatar"

TOBB Board Member Necdet Özer represented TOBB during the Qatar visit coordinated by the Economy Ministry and organized by TİM on the 19th and 20th of April, 2014. Attending the Turkey – Qatar Business Forum, TOBB Board Member Necdet Özer stated that the cards for the global economic system were being re-dealt, “The dynamics of the global economy are rapidly changing. New strong regional partnerships are forming.”​

The number of the newly established companies increased by 5,26% in March 2014 with respect to the previous month

The number of the newly established companies and cooperatives increased by 5,26% and 9,47% respectively while sole proprietorships decreased by 14,47% according to the previous month. ​

TOBB has approved 2552 capacity reports in March

In March 2552 capacity reports, 1424 of them being initial reports, were approved by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey.​

Yavuz’ invitation to the German business for investment and cooperation

Federal German State of Baden-Württemberg Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister for Economy and Treasury Dr. Nils Schmid and the delegation accompanying him attended a business dinner at TOBB. TOBB Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz, in his speech, provided information in regards to TOBB and said, “Our goal is to make our country into one of the top 10 economies of the world. We want to work together with our German friends as we move towards this goal. As TOBB, we cooperate closely with the Association of German Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag, DIHK). We’ve established the German – Turkish Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Turkey and the Turkish – German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Germany to this end. Both chambers are continually undertaking successful endeavors.”​

Bilgiç: Important duties fall to the private sector for achieving peace

Attending the gala dinner Business for Peace Mediterranean Region Introduction Event in Mersin, TOBB Council Board Member Şahin Bilgiç stated that very important duties fall to the private sector for engendering peace.​

Chemicals Industry Council convened

The TOBB Turkey Chemicals Industry Council meeting took place at the TOBB İstanbul Service Building presided over by Council President Timur Erk.​

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