The unemployed attend the ability courses not for the 15 TL subsistence money, but for the occupational education and job guarantee
It has been ascertained that the main reason for the attendance of the unemployed throughout the country in ability training courses is not the 15 TL subsistence money, but rather the vocational education and job guarantee provided. TOBB ETU Social Policy Studies Center (TOBB ETU-SPC) researchers stated that according to the results of a survey conducted in 18 provinces with 1,015 participants regarding their reasons for continuing the courses, barely 5% stated that their main reason for attending the courses was the 15 TL subsistence money – putting most concerns about the outcome of the courses to rest. The Expert Vocational Training Centers (UMEM) Ability’10 courses’ emphasis on job guarantee and vocational training will increase participation in the courses.
Turkey Enterprise Capital Council guides work groups
The Turkey Enterprise Capital Council met for the fourth meeting of the year in Istanbul. Attending the meeting in addition to the enterprise capital fund managers were public and civil society organizations’ high level representatives.
TOBB ETU hosts students from Sarajevo
TOBB University of Economy and Technology (TOBB ETU) is hosting 30 students from the Sarajevo School of Economy and Management. The Sarajevo students have been taking International Business Management classes in the mornings for two weeks and visiting private and public businesses in the afternoons.
Experiences on investment environment reforms shared with 32 Islamic countries
The last meeting of the Investment Environment Reform Turkey Experience Sharing Program, held by the Islamic Development Bank and the Ministry of Economy with the support of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency and TEPAV, was held at TOBB with the participation of the representatives of 32 Islamic Development Bank member countries.
Grand Seğmen Award for Hisarcıklıoğlu
A reception was held as part of the celebrations of the 88th year of Ankara becoming the Capital. The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat Hisarcıklıoğlu received the Grand Seğmen Award for his support of the TOBB University of Economy and Technology’s contributions to education in Ankara. Prof. Dr. Adem Şahin, Secretary General of the TOBB University of Economy and Technology, accepted the award on behalf the TOBB President Hisarcıklıoğlu.
Contractors demand that all buildings be subject to inspection
Turkey Small and Medium Sized Contracting Council convened in Ankara with Bekir Adıyaman presiding. During the meeting council members were informed regarding the changes to the Clause 4708 of the Structure Inspection Law, sector representatives demanded that all buildings be subject to structure inspections.
The new Commercial Law is the constitution of the industrialists, traders and artisans
The 6th of the nationwide “The countdown for the Turkish Commercial Law has begun, are you ready?” Conferences held by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Deloitte has taken place in Trabzon. Deloitte officials assessed the new Turkish Commercial Law (TTK) and informed entrepreneurs on what they need to do in the coming term and the changes TTK brings.
We’ve been working on the new Turkish Commercial Law for 2 years
Speaking at the closing of the new Turkish Commercial Law conference in Trabzon, TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete stated that the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey has been working to realize the new Turkish Commercial Law for two years. He said that progress has been made after they met up with the political parties.
We support all enterprises to empower the SMEs
Speaking at the European Small Businesses Bill Introduction and Applications in Turkey meeting held by KOSGEB in Istanbul, TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete said, “The private sector will carry Turkey to our 2023 goals. It will make Turkey one of the top 10 economies. Therefore we are bound to support all enterprises and activities which would empower our private sector and small and mediums sized businesses (SMEs).