Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
TOBB Turkey Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Council convened

TOBB Turkey Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Council meeting was chaired by TOBB Vice Chairman S. Zeki Murzioğlu and Council President Dr. Mehmet Veysel Yayan.​

Ersin Kaska met with Mongolia's Ambassador to Ankara Ravdan

Ersin Kaska, Co-Chair of the Turkish-Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Forum and Gerede Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, met with Bold Ravdan, Mongolia's Ambassador to Ankara.​

Turkey Furniture Products Council convened via video conference

The Meeting of the Turkey Furniture Products Council was held by video conference under the chairmanship of Oğuzhan Ata Sadıkoğlu, Member of the Board of Directors of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, and Ercan Ata, Council Chairman.​

Insurers met with Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance Aksu

The Regulation on Amendments to the Regulation on Insurance Contracts and Insurance Contracts covered by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance published in the Official Gazette on May 09, 2020 was discussed at the meeting chaired by Deputy Minister of Treasury and Finance Bülent Aksu.​

TIR Committee Meeting held

The TIR Committee, appointed by the TOBB Board of Directors for a two-year period, convened via video conference under the chairmanship of Tamer Kıran, Vice President of the TOBB Board of Directors and Chairman of the TIR Committee.​

The first guest of Entrepreneurship Talks was OYUNDER President Kendirli

The first entrepreneurship talks organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) via webinar were moderated by TOBB Turkey Creative Industries Council President Ali Ata Kavame. Women and young entrepreneurs participated in the program where OYUNDER President Tansu Kendirli was speaker. ​

Credit Guarantee Fund Information Seminar was held

The first conferences organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) for TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Council (KGK) and TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Council (GGK) and will last for 5 weeks were held with the participation of Caner Teberoğlu, Deputy General Manager of the Credit Guarantee Fund (KGF). At the Credit Guarantee Fund Information Seminar, which is the first of the Information Webinar for Entrepreneurs, KGF Deputy General Manager Caner Teberoğlu informed the members of the Women and Young Entrepreneur Council about KGF. ​

Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum Board of Directors convened

Turkey-TRNC Chamber of Commerce Forum Board of Directors convened under TOBB Board Member and Turkish Side Co-Chairman M. Cihat Lokmanoğlu and TRNC Side Co-Chair Alp Cengiz Alp.​

Turkey Energy Council discusses current issues

The meeting of the Turkey Energy Council was held under the chairmanship of Council President İhsan Akyol with the participation of TOBB Board Member Zeki Kıvanç, Murat Zekeriya Aydın, General Manager of Energy Affairs at the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, and EPİAŞ General Manager Ahmet Türkoğlu.​

Accreditation trainings continue

Within the scope of the work of the Chamber/Commodity Exchange Accreditation System, 3rd, 8th, 11th and 14th Accredited Chambers/Exchanges, Strategic Planning and Risk Management trainings continued to be carried out by video conference. In the trainings, the requirements for the follow-up of strategic plans and risk assessments were paired with accreditation standard expectations and explained with examples. ​

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