Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
District Governor Candidates Visit TOBB

This year’s district governor candidates visited TOBB today, on the way to stepping into their career following an intensive training and course program. This year held for the third time, the visit program was attended by 66 candidates together with Mr. Muhterem İnce, Deputy Head of the Training Department, and colleagues from the Ministry of the Interior. ​ ​

Surface irrigation should be stopped

Turkish Agriculture assembly meeting was hold with the participation of TOBB Vice President Faik Yavuz, TOBB Board Member Mustafa Yardımcı and assembly members.​ ​

The “Future of Europe” was discussed in TOBB University of Economics and Technology (

Following European Commission’s 2010 Progress Report for Turkey, EU – Turkey relations were discussed in TOBB ETÜ. Counsellor of EU Delegation to Turkey and Head of the Section of Political Affairs, Press and Information Mr. Micheal Miller, Prof. Dr. Ahmet O. Evin from Sabancı University and Journalist – Writer Ms. Çiğdem Toker participated to the panel and discussed the issue. ​ ​

Turkish Energy Assembly wants incentive to domestic production

Turkish Energy Assembly meeting was held on 13th October 2010 in İstanbul. At meeting, Assembly debated the preferential problems of sector to submit at Council of Sectorial Economy, Renewable Energy Law and determined an expert to boost the Turkish Energy Assembly studies. Assembly decided to arrange a meeting next month with one topic privatization of electricty generation.​ ​

Turkish banking and finance assembly complaıned the high rate of taxes of financial i

2010.11.20 - İSTANBUL, TOBB/ Turkish Banking and Finance assembly held its meeting at the TOBB Plaza in İstanbul, discussed sector’s priority problems. ​​

The President of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, Hisarcıklıoğlu asked for support regarding GCC Free Trade Agreement with Bahrain

Crown Prince of Bahrain’s visit to Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges to Turkey   The Crown Prince of Bahrain Shaikh Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, visited Turkey between the dates  8- 10 February 2011 to conduct official meetings. In this context he attended the Working Breakfast held at Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) on 9th March 2011 in Ankara, Turkey. ​

Women entrepreneurs return from Africa with business opportunities

​ As part of the “Turkish Businesswomen’s Global Expansion” project, bilateral sectoral business meetings (B2B) with the South African business world on the 7th of January at the Johannesburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry. ​


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