Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Capacity Building for Corporate World

Vocational Education and Training​ Turkey – EU Business Development Centre (ABİGEM ) TAIEX – TOBB Seminars​ TOBB - REC Turkey Project on Capacity Building on Environment​
REACH and CLP Project​ Chambres towards Acquis Support and Business Ethics Project (CASE)​ R&D and Innovation: TUR&BO-ppp​ ​


Chambers working for the Implementation of the Acquis and Business Ethics in Bulgaria, Romania Croatia and Turkey (CASE)

• To substantially increase the level of awareness of companies in the beneficiary countries on the relevant acquis communautaire and its implications.
• To ensure that Chambers of Commerce have the capacity and tools to guide them in that process.

DURATION: 18 months (Nov. 2007 - April 2009)


I. Acquis Audit

• 40 executives from local chambers trained.
• 400 companies in 4 countries were audited.
• Acquis Audit Report was published.

II. CSR strategy:

• 20 executives were trained.
• 100 companies were visited and basic
CSR strategies were prepared for each company.
• CSR Report was published.

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