Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey

Capacity Building for Corporate World

Vocational Education and Training Turkey – EU Business Development Centre (ABİGEM ) TAIEX – TOBB Seminars TOBB - REC Turkey Project on Capacity Building on Environment​
REACH and CLP Project Chambres towards Acquis Support and Business Ethics Project (CASE) R&D and Innovation: TUR&BO-ppp​




TOBB is cooperating successfully with TAIEX since many years in organizing seminars and workshops for the business community and public sector representatives in Turkey.


TAIEX is the Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument managed by the Directorate-General Enlargement of the European Commission. It supports partner countries like Turkey with regard to the approximation, application and enforcement of EU legislation. It is largely demand driven and facilitates the delivery of appropriate tailor-made expertise to address issues at short notice.

The beneficiaries of TAIEX assistance includes those sectors, both public and private, who have a role to play in the beneficiary countries in the transposition, implementation and enforcement of EU legislation and in deepening economic and political cooperation by sharing the experience gained during the enlargement process.


Seminars 2011 - upcoming:
• EU Patent (25.01.2011)
• Flexibility of Labor-markets (tbd)

Seminars 2010:
• Road transport and foreign trade: entry/exit summary declaration (03.12.2010)

Seminars 2009:
• Women-entrepreneurship (28-29.10.2009)
• Integrated Pollution prevention and Control Directive (5-6.11.2009)
• Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (7.12.2009)

Seminars topics of 2008 and before:
Vocational Education and Training, Women Entrepreneurship, Service Directive, Late Payments, Maritime Trade, Standardization, Construction Materials Directive, Road Transport and Infrastructure, etc.

Direct information of TAIEX is provided under the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/taiex/

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