Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Women entrepreneurs conquer Egypt

Visiting Egypt in order to increase the active participation of women in their country’s economy and provide role models for the next generation, TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Council members conducted many bi-lateral meetings on a sector basis with the Egypt business world.​ ​

Support from the students of TOBB ETU to the quake victims in Van and Erciş

TOBB ETU students lend a helping hand to the victims of the earthquake which occurred in Van and Erçiş on the 23rd of October 2011. The aid package consisting of 50 boxes were sent to Van and Erciş, organized by the TOBB ETU Student Council, the students of the Industrial Engineering Department and supported by the academic and managerial staff.​ ​

Natural Gas Council visited Undersecretary Kilci and National Assembly Energy Commission

TOBB Turkey Natural Gas Council Board of Directors visited the Undersecretary of the Energy and Natural Resources Ministry Metin Kilci and the Grand National Assembly Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission President Mahmut Mücait Fındıklı.​ ​

The packaging sector met for a symposium

The “Packaging Sector Symposium” organized by the TOBB Turkey Packaging Council and coordinated by the Science, Industry and Technology Ministry was held in the Ankara TOBB Union Center.​ ​

Turkey Soil and Soil Products Industry Council assess the developments regarding construction inspections

TOBB Soil and Soil Products Industry Council met at the TOBB Union Center with Council President Kadir Başoğlu presiding.​ ​

The unemployed attend the ability courses not for the 15 TL subsistence money, but for the occupational education and job guarantee

It has been ascertained that the main reason for the attendance of the unemployed throughout the country in ability training courses is not the 15 TL subsistence money, but rather the vocational education and job guarantee provided. TOBB ETU Social Policy Studies Center (TOBB ETU-SPC) researchers stated that according to the results of a survey conducted in 18 provinces with 1,015 participants regarding their reasons for continuing the courses, barely 5% stated that their main reason for attending the courses was the 15 TL subsistence money – putting most concerns about the outcome of the courses to rest. The Expert Vocational Training Centers (UMEM) Ability’10 courses’ emphasis on job guarantee and vocational training will increase participation in the courses.​ ​

Turkey Enterprise Capital Council guides work groups

The Turkey Enterprise Capital Council met for the fourth meeting of the year in Istanbul. Attending the meeting in addition to the enterprise capital fund managers were public and civil society organizations’ high level representatives.​ ​

The number of the newly established companies decreased by 3,64 % in September 2011 with respect to the previous month

The number of the newly established companies and cooperatives decreased by 3,64 % and 15,52 % respectively, while sole proprietorships increased by 0,28 % according to the previous month.​ ​

TOBB ETU hosts students from Sarajevo

TOBB University of Economy and Technology (TOBB ETU) is hosting 30 students from the Sarajevo School of Economy and Management. The Sarajevo students have been taking International Business Management classes in the mornings for two weeks and visiting private and public businesses in the afternoons.​ ​

Experiences on investment environment reforms shared with 32 Islamic countries

The last meeting of the Investment Environment Reform Turkey Experience Sharing Program, held by the Islamic Development Bank and the Ministry of Economy with the support of the Investment Support and Promotion Agency and TEPAV, was held at TOBB with the participation of the representatives of 32 Islamic Development Bank member countries.​ ​

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