Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Earthenware Industry Products Council prepares for sector report

The TOBB Turkey Earthenware Industry Products Council met in Ankara to discuss the sector’s problems. Sector representatives expressed their gratification for the TOBB Sector Councils Directorate’s “Portal for Sectors” project and informed the council members regarding the “Fire and Security Symposium” to be held in October.​ ​

TOBB publishes “Economy Assessment Notes”

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey has started publishing reports derived from economic data published by relevant institutions and establishments as part of the “Official Statistics Program, Multi Year Program”.​ ​

TOBB Turkey Health Institutes Council visited the Social Security Institution

Turkey Health Institutes Council Board visited the Social Security Institute (SGK) President Fatih Acar at his office. During the visit, attended by Council President Seyit Karaca, Council Vice Presidents Mehmet Altuğ and Banu Küçükel and Council member Necati Çanakçı, SGK President Acar was informed about the works of the Council.​ ​

Health Sector convenes for Service Quality

The Private Hospitals Service Quality Standards (HKS) Training Meeting was conducted at TOBB University of Economy and Technology (ETU), organized by the Ministry of Health and TOBB – Turkey Healthcare Institutions Council. During the meeting, attended by the representatives of 320 hospitals providing service in Turkey, the Ministry of Health provided Service Quality Standards training to the quality representatives of private hospitals.​ ​

Turkey Natural Gas Council visited the EPDK President Hasan Köktaş

The Board of Directors of the Turkey Natural Gas Sector Council visited the EPDK President Hasan Köktaş in his office. During the visit, the Council President İbrahim Akbal, Council Vice Presidents Eyüp Aratay, Erdoğan Arkış and Altan Kolbay informed the EPDK President Köktaş about the Turkey Natural Gas Council’s works which had its elections on August 2nd, 2011.​ ​

TOBB Turkey Glass Industry Council discussed the glass waste legislation

The Turkey Glass and Glass Products Industry Council convened at the Istanbul TOBB Service building to discuss the waste glass disposal legislation. Council members stated that the disposal of waste glass was one of the industry’s most significant problems and as a result of investigations into the matter decided to partake in the necessary study and relay the results to the relevant ministries.​ ​

Turkey LPG Council elected its sub-committee presidents

Turkey Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Council elected its sub-committee presidents. The council, wanting to use the sub-committees more actively, agreed on Ömer Yağız as Techincal Sub-Committee President, Erkan Kınacı as Legislative Sub-Committee President, Fehmi Arıkan as Cylinder Gas Sub-Committee President, Cem Arat as Autogas Sub-Committee President. In order to ensure more efficient working of the sub-committees, the council has prepared a set of work principles, which the Council Board shared with the council members and stated that the principles would be finalized according to sector representatives’ views.​ ​

Mehmet Ali Neyzi elected as the Turkey Energy Council President

During the Turkey Energy Council meeting held in Ankara, Council Vice President Mehmet Ali Neyzi was elected as Council President. Gökmen Topuz (Zorlu Energy), İhsan Akyol (Sanko Energy) and Alpay Ünal (Era Corp.) were elected as Vice Presidents.​ ​

‘Awareness’ activities for the growth of the fund market undertaken

Turkey Fund Market Council convened at the Istanbul TOBB Service Building. The meeting, attended by TOBB Board Member Mustafa Boydak, was regarded with interest by the private sector’s and civil society organizations’ high level representatives.​ ​

Media and Communication Council visited Minister Ergün

TOBB Turkey Media and Communication Council visited the Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, Nihat Ergün.​ ​

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