Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Mete: “Iran is, more than a friend, a brother.”

TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete met with the Iran Communication and Information Technologies Minister Undersecretary Ambassador Mehdi Mohtashami.​

EU-Turkey Chambers Forum II Project plaque and certificate ceremony

Turkey-EU Chambers’ Contribution to Civil Society Dialogue, EU-Turkey Chambers Forum II Project (ETCF-II) – Closing Meeting Plaque and Certificate Ceremony was held at the Ankara Hilton Hotel.​

Tax Advisory Council convened

TOBB Tax Advisory Council convened on June 3rd, 2014, with the attendances of TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete, Council Chairman Fatih Dural and members Abdullah Aslan, Dr. A. Bumin Doğrusöz, Mahmut Kutlucan, Murat Semercigil, Sakıp Şeker and Abdulkadir Hastaoğlu at the TOBB Union Center.​

2576 capacity reports approved by TOBB in May

In May, a total of 2576 capacity reports, 1391 of them first time reports, were approved. Working at the 1391 establishments which filed capacity reports for the first time employ a total 46,614 people, with an average of 33 employees per establishment.​

TOBB’s “good practice” experiences relayed to the Bangladeshi delegation

TOBB’s good practices in regards to SMEs and the real sector were relayed to the Bangladeshi delegation.​

20 world renowned photographers toured Turkey sponsored by TOBB

#ComeSeeTurkey which toured Turkey along with 20 world renowned Instagram photographers has come to an end. The project was sponsored by TOBB and held under the patronage of the Office of the President of the Republic of Turkey and supported by the TR Culture and Tourism Ministry, Turkey Photography Journalists’ Association.​

Bilgiç: “We can improve economic relations with Tartary.”

TOBB Board Member Şahin Bilgiç attended the Turkey – Tartary Mediterranean Economy and Trade Forum organized by the Foreign Economic Relations Council (DEİK) and hosted by the Mersin Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the Mersin HiltonSA.​

Yorgancılar: Without the insurance system production would decrease

The 3rd International Insurance Symposium, organized by the Insurance Training Center (SEGEM), held as a part of the Insurance Week celebrated May 26 - June 1 took place in order to raise awareness in regards to the issue of insurance. TOBB Board Vice President and SEGEM Executive Committee Member Ender Yorgancılar attended the symposium in addition to the Treasury Deputy Undersecretary Burhanettin Aktaş and Turkey Insurance Union Vice President Ragıp Yergin.​

Air conditioning sector representatives discussed legislation and investments

Representatives of the air conditioning sector convened at TOBB. Presided over by Zeki Poyraz, the Turkey Air Conditioning Council Subcommittee Meeting focused on legislation concerning the sector.​

TOBB’s affiliated commissions and councils convened

Prior to the 70th Financial General Assembly, commission and councils of the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) convened at the TOBB Union Center.​

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