Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
The number of newly established companies increased by 2,14% in June 2014 with respect to the previous month

The number of newly established companies increased by 2,14% while cooperatives and sole proprietorships decreased by 18,09% and 2,28% respectively according to the previous month.​

According TOBB’s International Road Transportation Statistics

According to the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Commerce and TIR Department’s data, in the June of 2014 an increase of 5.24% in the number of Transit Permits Issued in comparison to the June of the previous year as well as a decrease of 21.53% in the number of TIR Carnets issued for the same times.​

Issues in Iraq assessed at the Economy Ministry

Issues in Iraq in regards to exports to the region and the companies currently working there were assessed during a meeting presided over by the Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci. Attending the meeting were TOBB Presidential Council Member Faik Yavuz, TİM President Mehmet Büyükekşi and many officials.​

Halim Mete attended YOİKK meeting presided by Economy Minister Zeybekci

The 20th meeting of the Coordination Council for the Improvement of Investment Environment in Turkey (YOİKK) was held with Zeybekci presiding. Attending the meeting was TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete.​

YOİKK Orientation Committee convened at TOBB

The Coordination Council for the Improvement of Investment Environment in Turkey (YOİKK) Orientation Committee, hosted by TOBB, convened to discuss its 2014-2015 action plan.​

The number of newly established companies decreased by 3,83% in May 2014 with respect to the previous month.

The number of newly established companies, cooperatives and sole proprietorships decreased by 3,83%, 5,05% and 14,12% respectively according to the previous month.​

Earthenware Industry Council visited Environment Ministry Undersecretary Öztürk

TOBB Turkey Earthenware Products Industry Council visited Environment and Urbanism Ministry Undersecretary Prof. Dr. Mustafa Öztürk.​

Mete: “Iran is, more than a friend, a brother.”

TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete met with the Iran Communication and Information Technologies Minister Undersecretary Ambassador Mehdi Mohtashami.​

EU-Turkey Chambers Forum II Project plaque and certificate ceremony

Turkey-EU Chambers’ Contribution to Civil Society Dialogue, EU-Turkey Chambers Forum II Project (ETCF-II) – Closing Meeting Plaque and Certificate Ceremony was held at the Ankara Hilton Hotel.​

Tax Advisory Council convened

TOBB Tax Advisory Council convened on June 3rd, 2014, with the attendances of TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete, Council Chairman Fatih Dural and members Abdullah Aslan, Dr. A. Bumin Doğrusöz, Mahmut Kutlucan, Murat Semercigil, Sakıp Şeker and Abdulkadir Hastaoğlu at the TOBB Union Center.​

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