Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Turkish Petrol and Petroleum Products Assembly Make “Illicit Fuel” Alert

Turkish Petrol and Petroleum Products Assembly alert the public about the illicit fuel activities. The representatives of sector indicates that while sector contends with illicit fuel activities carried out under the No. 10  oil, it faces a new threat which is the product obtained by the recycling of automotive tire. Assembly implied that the technical properties of the laboratory research on samples obtained from the product is very close the technical properties of diesel fuel. ​ ​

Çetin Osman Budak elected for the Chairmanship of the Fairs Committee

Board member of Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey and Chairman of Antalya Chamber of Commerce and Industry Çetin Osman Budak is elected for the Chairmanship of the Fairs Committee.​ ​

Assembly of Patent and Trademark Representatives to issue a sectoral report

TOBB Turkish Patent and Trademark Representatives Assembly gathered at TOBB Headquarters in Ankara. ​ ​

Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industry Assembly to recognize the good manufacturing practices.

TOBB Turkish Cosmetics and Cleaning Products Industry Assembly, gathering at TOBB’s building in Istanbul under Ahmet Pura’s Chairmanship, discussed the notification of chemicals to inventory and recent status of updated sectoral report. ​ ​

Casting Industrialists gathered under the roof of TOBB

TOBB Turkish Casting Industry Assembly carried out its first meeting hosted at TOBB. At the meeting Assembly President Niyazi Akdaş presented the assessment of casting industry in 2010. ​ ​

TOBB Turkish Soil Industry Assembly brought industry – university collaboration to the table

TOBB Turkish Soil Industry Products Assembly appraised topics of agenda during a meeting held in Ankara. During the meeting, industry – university collaboration and law draft related to the sector have been addressed. ​ ​

At the meeting of Turkey High Education Assembly, the problems of private universities was discussed

At the meeting of Turkey High Education Assembly, the problems of private universities was discussed and the need for a new law for private universities was emphasized.​ ​

Turkish Climatization Industry has 13% share in the European market

With the contribution of TOBB Turkish Climatization Assembly under the heading “Climatization Industry and Public Procurements Meeting” a series of organizations, brought together the sector in Ankara. ​ ​

Bulgaria also joined to the III.Turkish-Greek Regional Business Forum

TOBB Board Member Mustafa Yardımcı and DEİK Turkish-Bulgarian Business Council Chairman Yalçın Egemen visited Plovdiv and Sofia.  ​

The number of the newly established companies decreased by 18,12 % in Febuary 2011 with respect to previous month.

The number of the newly established companies decreased by 18,12 %, the number of the newly established sole proprietorships decreased by 5,71 %, and while the number of the newly established cooperatives decreased by 5,61 respectively according to the previous month.​ ​

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