International ATA system, the customs authorities, persons, organizations and formations established in order to benefit the parties that perform operations such as temporary imports. With an ATA Carnet at the bottom of the international security for all incoming goods during the import process, what gümrüklerce There is no need nor any further action by the importer.
ATA carnet holder can be prepared easily by a simple and easily controllable gümrüklerce report cards. All these factors have to import the goods that came with the ATA Carnet, or re-export customs help shortening the transition period. In addition, holders of the system ATA Carnet, ATA Carnet shall be within the validity period (this period is one year from date of issue differ strongly), with an ATA Carnet temporary import more than one Contracting Party the opportunity to offer more than one country.
Istanbul Convention’s Annex A 'organized under the provisions of the ATA report cards are used with other purposes in the annexes. This annexes;
Annex B.1. –Annex concerning goods for display or use at exhibitions, fairs, meeting or similar events,
Annex B.2. –Annex concerning Professional Equipment,
Annex B.3. – Annex concerning containers, pallets, packing, samples and other goods imported in connection with a commercial operation,
Annex B.4. – Annex concerning goods imported in connection with a manufacturing operation,
Annex B.5. – Annex concerning goods imported for educational, scientific or cultural purposes,
Annex B.6. – Annex concerning travellers’ personal effects and goods imported for sports purposes,
Annex B.7.- Annex concerning tourist publicity material,
Annex B.8. – Annex concerning goods imported ad frontier traffic,
Annex B.9- annex concerning goods imported for humanitarian purposes,
Annex D- Annex concerning animals
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