Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Air-conditioning Council convened

​ TOBB Turkey Air-conditioning Council convened under Council President Zeki Pyoraz in TOBB’s İstanbul Service Building. ​

​Turkish businessmen heading to Portugal with President Gül

​ President of the Republic of Turkey, Abdullah Gül, will be accompanied by 80 person private sector delegation lead by TOBB Board Member Mustafa during his state visit to Portugal bet the 5th and 8th of May, 2013. ​

Councils and commissions convened

​ Prior to the TOBB Financial General Assembly, council and commission meetings took place. The Agriculture, Social Policies, Vocational Education and Tourism Councils convened separately. TOBB Board Vice President Faik Yavuz, TOBB Board Members Mustafa Yardımcı and Mustafa Boydak also attended the meetings. ​

Troubled European market impels automotive industry to seek alternative markets

​TOBB Automotive Industry Council convened at the TOBB İstanbul Service Building. Council Vice President Ercan Tezer presided over the meeting during which the developments in the sector were assessed. ​

I BUY REAL campaign, which is ran in around 25 countries by ICC BASCAP will start in Turkey tomorrow

In the projects, different awareness improvement events will be organized in Turkey and all 81 provinces will be covered. Besides TOBB, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Customs and Trade and Turkish National Police, the campaign is supported by prominent companies. ​ ​

The number of the newly established companies increased by 5,19% in March 2013 with respect to the previous month

The number of the newly established companies, cooperatives and sole proprietorships increased by 5,19%, 10,34% and 1,63% respectively according to the previous month.​ ​

The number of the newly established companies increased by 1,15% in Febuary 2013 with respect to the previous month.

​ The number of the newly established companies and cooperatives increased by 1,15% and 38,10% respectively while the newly established sole proprietorships decreased by 6,66% according to the previous month. ​

The number of the newly established companies increased by 35,90% in January 2013 with respect to previous month.

The number of the newly established companies and sole proprietorships increased by 35,90% and 22,06% respectively while cooperatives decreased by 5,97% according to the previous month. ​

According to TOBB’s International Land Transportation Statistics;

​During the January of 2013 an increase of 2.09% was observed in the number of Authorization Permits in comparison to the January of the previous year while a decrease of 1.74% was observed for TIR Carnets in the same period. ​

R&D incentives in the telecommunication sector discussed

​ TOBB Turkey Telecommunication Council’s expanded council meeting was held at the TOBB University of Economy and Technology with the attendances of Transportation, Maritime Affairs and Communication Ministry Communications Director General Atila Çelik and PTT Director General Osman Tural. ​

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