Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Selçuk Öztürk joined the Jordan program

TOBB Board Member Selçuk Öztürk represented TOBB during the Jordan program led by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu.​

Germany Industry 4.0 Research Delegation completed its visit to Germany

Organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey, the Germany Industry 4.0 Research Delegation which visited Germany after touring Bosch, Mercedes and Wittenstein factories in Stuttgart.​

TOBB BİS Board inspected the Jenin Organized Industry Free Zone

TOBB Board Member Şahin Bilgiç visited the Jenin Organized Industry Free Zone with TOBB Industry for Peace (Barış İçin Sanayi, BİS) Board.​

TOBB mobilizes for industry 4.0

Comprised of Science, Industry and Technology Minister Fikri Işık, Industry, Commerce, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Commission Chair Ziya Altunyaldız, TOBB Board Vice President Ender Yorgancılar and TOBB Board Member İbrahim Burkay, the Industry 4.0 Workgroup and Research Delegation to Germany organized by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) has departed for Germany to visit and inspect Germany’s prominent industrial complexes.​

The number of newly established companies decreased by 7,83% in February 2016 with respect to the previous month

The number of newly established companies and sole proprietorships decreased by 7,83% and 18,04% respectively, while cooperatives increased by 8,47% according to the previous month.​

2,179 capacity reports approved in February

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) has approved of 2,179 capacity reports in February. Capacity reports are compiled by local Chambers and approved by TOBB for: bench production; establishments which extract subterranean resources for the purpose of producing in mass or in a standardized manner, using tools or machinery to process half- and fully-processed products to change their properties, contents, composition or shape, fully or partially; informatics technologies and software development. ​

R&D reform package introductory meeting held at TOBB

As a part of the Chamber/Exchange Accreditation System project, the “R&D Reform Package Introductory Meeting” was held on March 10th 2016 for the Accredited Chamber/Exchange Secretaries General and Accreditation Officers.​

Investment opportunities in Greece discussed in detail

As a part of Greek Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitrios Mardas’ visit to Turkey, the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) held a meeting on “Investment Opportunities in Greece.” The meeting, presided over by TOBB Board Member Cengiz Günay, was held with the attendances of businesspeople and entrepreneurs active in Greece as well as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mardas.​

Maritime sector’s problems discussed at the council meeting

TOBB Chambers of Maritime Trade Council Meeting was held at the TOBB Twin Towers with the attendances of Transportation, Communication and Maritime Affairs Minister Binali Yıldırım and Customs and Commerce Minister Bülent Tüfenkci.​

Mete: “Turkish and Greek business communities are in cooperation”

Speaking at the Turkey-Greece friendship gala dinner hosted by the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and İzmir Chamber of Commerce attended by Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, TOBB Board Vice President Halim Mete provided information regarding the state of trade relations and potential between the two countries.​

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