Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
TOBB Women Entrepreneurship Council Executive Committee convened

TOBB Women Entrepreneurship Council convened under Council Chair Evrim Aras at the İstanbul Service Building.​

Polatlı Chamber of Commerce opens two new courses for the UMEM Ability’10 Project

Having opened two courses as part of the UMEM Ability’10 Project in 2015, Polatlı Chamber of Commerce has opened two new additional courses.​

Halim Mete and İbrahim Çağlar attend the Turkey – Romania Business Forum

TOBB Board Vice Chairs İbrahim Çağlar and Halim attended the Turkey – Romania Business Forum. Attending the Forum which took place in Bucharest, Romania were President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, Minister of Economy Nihat Zeybekci, Romanian Economy, Commerce and Tourism Minister Mihai Tudose, Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chair Klaus Iohannis and DEİK Board Chair Ömer Cihad Vardan.​

TRANSPark web app online in Turkish

The TRANSPark web app which facilitates access to TOBB TIR Parks has been translated to Turkish.​

Cihat Alagöz elected Fairs Council Chairman

TOBB Turkey Fairs Council convened in Ankara under TOBB Board Member Salih Zeki Murzioğlu to discuss the issues of the sector as well as electing the council chairman and vice chairs. The election resulted in Cihat Alagöz being elected as Council Chairman with Hülya Akkaya,Murat Demirtaş, Rasim Mazlum, İsmet Göksel, İlhan Ersözlü and Serkan Tığlıoğlu elected vice chairs.​

İbrahim Çağlar attended the Slovakia and Slovenia Business Forums

TOBB Board Vice Chair İbrahim Çağlar accompanied President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s official Slovenia-Slovakia-Romania visit.​

Polish Chamber Vice Chair Marek Kloczko met with Faik Yavuz

Polish Chamber of Commerce Vice Chair Marek Kloczko, Polish Chamber Director Jerzy Drozdz and Senior Expert Maria Nowakowska attended the business lunch held at TOBB.​

Nicaraguan Presidential Special Representative on National Policy Kelley visited TOBB

Nicaraguan Presidential Special Representative on National Policy and Nicaraguan Great Canal Project Director Dr. Paul Oquist Kelley met with TOBB Board Treasurer Faik Yavuz.​

The number of newly established companies decreased by 15,48% in Febuary 2015 with respect to the previous month

The number of newly established companies and sole proprietorships decreased by 15,48% and 30,78% respectively, while cooperatives increased by 36,84% according to the previous month.​

The number of newly established companies increased by 20,32% in January 2015 with respect to previous month

The number of newly established companies, cooperatives and sole proprietorships increased by 20,32%, 7,04% and 5,40% respectively, according to the previous month.​

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