Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
TOBB warns employers to check their activity codes

Having delivered the reorganized activity codes to member employers in writing, TOBB warned the business community to check the activity codes assigned to their branches of business.​ ​

TIR system training for Afghani authorities from TOBB

As part of the revitalization of the Silk Road and the work to integrate Afghanistan to the TIR system in order to facilitate commerce, a delegation of representatives from the Afghanistan Transportation, Commerce, State and Treasury Ministries and the Afghani Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) were trained regarding the TIR system at TOBB.​ ​

“Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals Sector is the driving force behind Turkey’s growth”

TOBB Turkey Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals Sector Council President Dr. Veysel Yayan and Councl Member Uğur Dalbeler, Namık Ekinci and Çetin Kaya discussed various matters on the “Sector Councils” program on Bloomberg HT, moderated by Prof. Dr. Kerem Alkin and Ali Çağatay.​ ​

The number of the newly established companies increased by 14,25% in October 2012 with respect to previous month.

The number of the newly established companies, cooperatives and sole proprietorships increased by %14,25, %20,83 and %2,71 respectively according to the previous month.​ ​

Defense industry sector needs to take advantage of the opportunities in the new incentives system

TOBB Turkey Defense Industry Council met under Defense Industry Undersecretary Murad Bayar to discuss the issues on the sector’s agenda. During the meeting, the new incentives system as well as the Turkish Trade Law was assessed. Undersecretary stated that the new incentives system brings many opportunities with it and that they expect it to fulfill the sector’s expectations.​ ​

Label warning to food producers

Food, Agriculture and Livestock Ministry authorities warned food producers to refrain from using incorrect or difficult to understand labeling in food products. TOBB Turkey Food Industry Council and TOBB Turkey Beverage Industry Council convened at the TOBB Union Center in Ankara under Council Presidents Feyhan Yaşar and Necdet Buzbaş. Also attending the meeting was TOBB Turkey Agriculture Council President Güngör Şarman.​ ​

Parseker invited Dutch companies to invest in Turkey

Prime Minister Deputy Ali Babacan and the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte attended the round table discussion of CEOs in Turkey. Moderating the meeting was TOBB Board Treasurer İlhan Parseker and Employers and Industry Federation (VNO-NCW) President Bernard Wientjes.​ ​

EİT TSO Women Entrepreneurs Council convened: “We must increase the number of women entrepreneurs”

Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Commerce and Industry Chamber (TSO) Women Entrepreneurs Council convened at the TOBB Union Center. EİT TSO Women Entrepreneurs Council President Şafak Çivici attended the meeting as TOBB’s representative Committee Member. Çivici, touching on the importance of women in society, recalled Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s words, “If an organ of society works while the other does not, that society will be paralyzed,” emphasizing that the contribution of women in social and economic life is insufficient.​ ​

EİT TSO Industry and Investment Committee convened: “We want to reach our goals with our friends”

The Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO) Industry and Investment Committee meeting took place at the TOBB Union Center. Attending the meeting as TOBB’s representative Committee Member was İnegöl Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Metin Anıl, who related how the global economy’s center of gravity has been shifting from the Atlantic to the Asia Pacific.​ ​

EİT TSO Facilitation of Commerce Committee convened: “It is imperative to increase trade between the region’s countries”

Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Commerce and Industry Chamber (TSO) Facilitation of Commerce Committee convened at the TOBB Union Center. Attendin the meeting as TOBB’s representative Committee Member was Bayburt Chamber of Commerce and Industry President İbrahim Yumak. During the meeting Yumak said, “This process is, first and foremost, bringing a new perspective to political, economic, social and cultural relations.”​ ​

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