The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), member of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group are organizing an OIC Regional Workshop on “Trade Facilitiation with Emphasis on Cross Border Corporation and Roles of Customs Administrations” with the Ministry of Customs and Trade of Turkey during 21-23 November 2011, in Ankara, Turkey.

"/> TOBB - Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği

Türkiye Odalar ve Borsalar Birliği

OIC Regional Workshop on “Trade Facilitation with an Emphasis on Cross Border Cooperation and Roles of Customs Administrations”

26.10.2011 / Genel Bilgilendirme


The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) and The International Islamic Trade Finance Corporation (ITFC), member of Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group are organizing an OIC Regional Workshop on “Trade Facilitiation with Emphasis on Cross Border Corporation and Roles of Customs Administrations” with the Ministry of Customs and Trade of Turkey during 21-23 November 2011, in Ankara, Turkey.


The Objectives of the Program are to:

- Raise awareness among the OIC Member Countries on the importance of Trade and Transport Facilitation for national development and regional integration
- Enhance the understanding on the concept and measures of trade and transport facilitation with a particular emphasis on harmonization and simplification of customs rules and procedures, information sharing & data harmonization
- Strengthen cooperation and communication among OIC member countries’ custom administrations.


Issues to be Covered by the Program:

- Broader Concept and Components of Trade and Transport Facilitation
- How to achieve efficient collaboration at national, regional and international level for the development of cooperative programs 
- Roles, Functions and Structure of National Trade and Transport Facilitation Committees   
- Business Process Analysis Guidelines  
- Use of ICT in trade facilitation and customs modernizations
- Integrated/Joint Border Management Model   
- Single window systems; developing and operating single window systems 
- Current TTF Programs offered and tools developed by UNCTAD   
- WCO instruments and tools for harmonization and modernizations of customs administration; WCO Data Model & Data Harmonization
- UN/ECE Conventions on trade and transport facilitation
- The concept of the revival of the Silk Road and its opportunities/importance for OIC MCs
- National and regional experiences of implementing trade facilitation and customs modernization measures



The program targets senior/high level officials, who are in decision making position or director of implementation units. Program is open to other professionals from Logistic Industry Association and Chambers of Commerce and Industry. Invited countries may also consider nominating government officials from National Trade and Transport Facilitation Body or Ministry of Foreign Trade.


- Participating Countries:
ECO Countries, Developing 8 Countries and West Asian Countries are invited to participate in the program: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Oman, Lebanon, Kuwait, Qatar, KSA, UAE, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

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