Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey


Sayfa İçeriği
Parseker invited Dutch companies to invest in Turkey

Prime Minister Deputy Ali Babacan and the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte attended the round table discussion of CEOs in Turkey. Moderating the meeting was TOBB Board Treasurer İlhan Parseker and Employers and Industry Federation (VNO-NCW) President Bernard Wientjes.​ ​

EİT TSO Women Entrepreneurs Council convened: “We must increase the number of women entrepreneurs”

Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Commerce and Industry Chamber (TSO) Women Entrepreneurs Council convened at the TOBB Union Center. EİT TSO Women Entrepreneurs Council President Şafak Çivici attended the meeting as TOBB’s representative Committee Member. Çivici, touching on the importance of women in society, recalled Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s words, “If an organ of society works while the other does not, that society will be paralyzed,” emphasizing that the contribution of women in social and economic life is insufficient.​ ​

EİT TSO Industry and Investment Committee convened: “We want to reach our goals with our friends”

The Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO) Industry and Investment Committee meeting took place at the TOBB Union Center. Attending the meeting as TOBB’s representative Committee Member was İnegöl Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Metin Anıl, who related how the global economy’s center of gravity has been shifting from the Atlantic to the Asia Pacific.​ ​

EİT TSO Facilitation of Commerce Committee convened: “It is imperative to increase trade between the region’s countries”

Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Commerce and Industry Chamber (TSO) Facilitation of Commerce Committee convened at the TOBB Union Center. Attendin the meeting as TOBB’s representative Committee Member was Bayburt Chamber of Commerce and Industry President İbrahim Yumak. During the meeting Yumak said, “This process is, first and foremost, bringing a new perspective to political, economic, social and cultural relations.”​ ​

According to Journey Authorization Permits and TIR Carnet Issued Statistics by TOBB;

During the October of 2012, there has been a decrease in the number of Journey Authorization Permits by 11.38% and a decrease in the number of TIR Carnets issued by 3.52%. ​ ​

EİT TSO Transportation Committee convened: “Abolish bureaucratic obstacles”

The Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO) Transportation Committee meeting took place at the TOBB Union Center.​ ​

EİT TSO Arbitration Committee convened: “The goal is sustainable development”

The Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO) Arbitration Committee meeting took place at the TOBB Union Center. Gümüşhane Chamber of Commerce and Industry President İsmail Akçay attended the meeting representing TOBB as Committee Member. Akçay stated that removing obstacles which negatively impact trade in the region aims to liberate trade and ensure the sustainable development of the ECO Region.​ ​

EİT TSO Tourism Committee convened: “We are ready to share our experiences”

The Economic Cooperation Organization (EİT) Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TSO) Tourism Committee meeting was held at the TOBB Union Center.​ ​

Mining Council visited the Economy Ministry

A TOBB Turkey Mining Council delegation, lead by the Council President İsmet Kasapoğlu and including Council Vice President Ergun Tuncer and various council members, visited the Economy Ministry Deputy Minister Mustafa Sever. ​ ​

Private Security Council assesses problems regarding indemnity insurance

TOBB Turkey Private Security Council convened under Council President Hasan Gazi Özer at the TOBB İstanbul Service Building. Discussing the problems of the sector and possible solutions, the council assessed the problems the sector has been experiencing with Indemnity Insurance.​ ​

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